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Car Injury Compensation in Maryland The Value According to Injuries

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June 17th, 2016

One of the first things people ask their car accident attorney in Annapolis is how much can they expect to receive as car injury compensation in Maryland. You should know that there are a lot of factors involved in establishing the value of your claim. The type of accident, the specific injury your sustained and even the county were the car accident took place can influence the value of your claim. In this article we will take a look at the car crash settlement in MD based on the injuries people sustained. Read further to find out more.

Car Injury Compensation in Maryland & Injuries to the Legs

When people are involved in a car crash, in many of the cases, they suffer injuries related to their legs. Whether we are talking about broken bones, knee or foot injuries or burns, all these affect your legs.In 2014, a pedestrian was struck by a car in Baltimore County and she suffered a knee fracture. There were also complications during the surgery when the plaintiff contracted an infection. The outcome of this case was a car crash settlement in MD of $135.000. In the case of the femur fractures, the average value of car injury compensation in Maryland is around $482.000, while for the tibia or fibula, the average amount is $265.000. The average ankle car injury compensation in Maryland is approximately $90.000.Of course, as your motor vehicle lawyer in Annapolis will tell you, each case has its own particularities. The numbers you are seeing here can differ a lot. To get a better estimate, you should ask your car accident attorney in Annapolis.

Car Injury Compensation in Maryland & Spinal Cord Injuries

In March, 2013, a state trooper was read-ended at a red light by a driver who was using a company's van. Though the accident wasn't severe, the state trooper suffered spinal nerve damage and she had to go through a lot of physical therapy. Unfortunately, she had to change her job as a result of the injury and she sued both the driver and his employer. She received car injury compensation worth of $700.000.

Car Injury Compensation in Maryland & Whiplash

In April, 2017, a cab passenger in Baltimore County suffered a whiplash injury as the taxi she was in collided with another car. Her motor vehicle lawyer in Annapolis argued that the driver in the other car took a left turn in front of the cab and caused the accident. Even though the insurance company didn't want to reach a car crash settlement in MD, the plaintiff was awarded by the jury compensation worth of $87.000.

Car Accident Attorney in Annapolis

Receiving car injury compensation in Maryland may be more difficult than you think without the help of an expert lawyer. Even if you don't want to go to trial and are looking for a car crash settlement in MD, you will still need your lawyer for the negotiation parts. Contact the best motor vehicle lawyer in Annapolis (443) 569-3950 or by email at and receive a free consultation for your case.

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