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Child dog bite injury in Columbia, Maryland Did your child get bitten?

Written by
June 17th, 2016

In Maryland the dog bite law is based on a fault system is such a way that the owner of the dog is not directly responsible if their dog bites you. A child dog bite injury in Columbia will only make the dog's owner responsible only in certain circumstances. To help you with your case you can get the aid of a personal injury lawyer from Columbia, Maryland, and prove the liability of dog's owner.You don't even realize just how many people are bitten every yearDog bites are quite common in the U.S. Around 5 million people are bitten by dogs every year, but only around 20% of that seek further medical attention. This means that every 30 seconds a person is bitten by a dog and is seeking medical care. From all the people that get bitten, children are most at risk, representing 60% of all bites that happen. Your Columbia injury lawyer can help you file an injury claim for your child and receive compensation that will help with the medical bills, therapy, pain and suffering, and many others.You should be aware that even if a dog bites it may not seem a big thing for an adult, bu for children it can be extremely dangerous, possibly fatal.Liability Your Columbia injury attorney will explain to you that the owner can be liable in 2 situations.

  • Strict liability, when the owner was aware (or should have been) that their animal could hurt someone. If it's the first time the dog bites someone, then it is less likely for the owner to be found liable even if you have the best personal injury attorney in Columbia, Maryland. But if the dog has bitten before, it will be easy for your Columbia injury lawyer to get you the compensation you or your child needs.
  • If the dog's owner did not exercise enough control of their animal, and that animal injures someone, then the owner will be found liable. It is considered that the dog's owner is the only one who knows how much control they must exert to monitor their dog. This is much easier to prove because the owner knows if the dog has a temper or not, and if they do not control their dog, they will be found liable.

The leash lawIn Maryland, there is another law that can help you and your Columbia injury attorney, which is the leash law. All dogs must have their leash on, so the owner has better control over them. If your child was bitten by a dog with no leash, then you should get the support of a personal injury attorney from Columbia, Maryland and file an injury claim.For more information about dog bites, you can contact the best personal injury lawyer from Columbia, Maryland at (443) 569-3950 or send an email at You will get a free consultation of your case.

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