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Crash due to faulty repair - Motorcycle accident injury lawyer Maryland

Written by
June 17th, 2016

When you take a vehicle to a mechanic for repairs, you trust that person to do a good job. While most mechanics do a fantastic job, sometimes they engage in neglectful repairs, which are extremely dangerous and may put in danger the life of a motorcycle rider. If you were involved in a crash due to faulty repair, you may contact your motorcycle accident injury lawyer from Maryland and file a personal injury claim to increase your chances of getting the injury compensation you deserve.Most common injuries sustained after an accident caused by faulty repairIt is close to impossible to know if your accident was caused by faulty repair until you get the damaged vehicle checked at by a forensic mechanic. Your personal injury attorney from Maryland may get you in contact with this person. The forensic mechanic may also act as an expert witness in your case, increasing your chances of receiving motorcycle accident injury compensation in Maryland.Each year, faulty repairs result in a lot of accidents, causing the riders to suffer extensive injuries, including:

  • Broken bones. If your mechanic did not do a good job and the repair to the kickstand is faulty, you may end up with the bike on top of you. As the motorcycle is heavy, if it lands on you it may break your arms and legs.
  • Head injury. The handlebars and the turning mechanism are crucial for handling the motorcycle. If a mechanic fails to repair them properly, you may lose control of the bike and crash. One of the most common injuries suffered in this type of situation is the head injury which results from hitting your head. This type of injury could lead to permanent paralysis and is extremely dangerous.
  • Road rash. If the mechanic fails to repair the brakes properly, you might end up losing the control of your bike and skid across the road. Road rashes are a skin injury and may be quite severe depending on the speed of your bike.

The cost of the bills needed to cover your medical treatment may be included in your motorcycle accident injury claim in Maryland with the help of your personal injury attorney. The future costs for managing a possible disability, therapy and all future medical bills may also be included in the same claim. In addition to this, the costs of repairing of your motorcycle or replacing it if it was totaled can also be included here.Receiving the help you needBeing involved in an accident, indifferent if it's a motorcycle accident and with another vehicle, may be scary and could affect you for the rest of your life. It is even more terrifying if the accident is the result of a faulty repair.If you feel that your accident was caused by a faulty repair, you should contact the best motorcycle accident injury attorney from Maryland at (443) 569-3950 or send an email toA Free case examination.

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