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Crash involving the failure to give signal - Motorcycle accident injury attorney Maryland

Written by
June 17th, 2016

Driving and riding on the road means a lot of responsibility and if you do not respect the rules imposed by the law, accidents may happen. One of the most important things to do in traffic is to signal the intention of changing the lane. A lot of accidents happen each year because of not using the turn signal. If you were involved in a crash caused by the failure to give signal, you should contact your motorcycle accident injury attorney from Maryland and file a claim against the negligent driver to receive compensation that you may require for treating your injuries and repairing your bike.Rider injuries and motorcycle damagesIf you were involved in a crash caused by a driver who failed to use the turn signal, you may suffer extensive injuries and your bike may suffer damage. The severity of your injuries can depend on many variables, including the speed of the vehicles involved in the accident, where the other vehicle hit the motorcycle, the weather conditions, and many more. Unlike car drivers, motorcycle riders are more prone to suffer dangerous injuries because they have less protection and may end up falling from their bike. Some of these injuries might be:

  • TBI (traumatic brain injuries)
  • Broken arms and legs
  • Cracked or broken ribs
  • Serious lacerations
  • Muscle damage
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Soft tissue damage
  • Whiplash
  • Internal bleeding

The most important thing to do after a motorcycle accident is to get check by a doctor to see the extent of your injuries. Some injuries may start to show symptoms even days or weeks after the accident so even if you think you are unhurt, you should make sure by visiting a doctor and undergoing some tests. You should keep all the medical documents your doctor provides you with. The cost of treatment for the injuries you suffered in the accident (past and future medical bills), as well as the lost wages you lost from the time you missed work can be included in your motorcycle accident injury claim by your personal injury lawyer from Maryland.Bike damages can also be recoveredIf your motorcycle got damaged in an accident that was caused by a driver who did not used their turn signal, the negligent driver will also have to pay for the repairs. Damages such as: ruined paint job, dented body parts (gas tank, handlebars, etc.), destroyed engine can all be repaired on the insurance coverage of the driver that caused the accident. Even if your bike was totaled you can add the cost of buying a new one in your claim.If you've been involved in motorcycle crash that was caused by a negligent driver who failed to use their turn signal, you should consult with a personal injury attorney from Maryland see how much motorcycle accident injury compensation you may be entitled to.For more information about this type of crashes you may contact the best motorcycle accident injury lawyer in Maryland at (443) 569-3950 or send an email toA

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