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Crashes at night motorcycle accident injury attorney Maryland

Written by
June 17th, 2016

Driving any kind of vehicle requires extra caution, especially at night. Because of the lack of visibility many motorcycle crashes occur at night in Maryland. Motorcycle riders are more vulnerable to accidents than car drivers, because the vehicle is smaller and harder to see. If you've been involved in a motorcycle accident at night, you should contact your injury attorney from Maryland, file a claim against the person responsible and get the compensation you deserve.Injuries that a motorcycle rider my sustain in a night accident You are probably aware that a motorcycle accident may be life threatening and have serious consequences that could require extensive medical treatments. Unlike most animals that can see during the night, the human eye cannot capture enough light to see during the night, thus the visibility is reduced considerably. Poor visibility may cause motorcycle riders serious injuries, including:

  • TBI (traumatic brain injury): At night, the vehicle driver may miss you in the vehicle's blind spot, causing them to hit you. The force of the impact may depend on the speed of both vehicles involved in the accident, but it will most certainly knock you off the seat. In many crashes, motorcycle riders land on their head or hit their head, causing them a traumatic brain injury.
  • Spinal injuries: This type of injury is most common in sideswipe accidents. The driver may not see the motorcycle because of the poor visibility, sideswipe the vehicle, and fling the rider of their seat. In this situation it is possible for the rider to land on their back and suffer a spinal injury.
  • Crushed ribs: In some accidents, it is possible for the motorcycle to fall on the rider, crushing their ribs. This injury may take several weeks to heal.
  • Broken limbs: Injuries such as broken bones in the upper or lower limbs (hands or legs) are also common in motorcycle accidents.

What to do?It is important to contact your motorcycle accident injury lawyer from Maryland and see what legal options you have to get a compensation which may cover all the medical bills (past and future). You should also make sure you keep all the medical bills that resulted from treating the injuries you sustained in the crash and attach them to your motorcycle injury claim from Maryland. With the help of your personal injury lawyer from Maryland you may also attach to the claim the future medical costs.Damages to the motorcycleThis type of vehicle may get damaged extremely easily in an accident, especially during the night. The most common type of damages a motorcycle may suffer in a night crash may include:

  • Broken mirrors
  • Bent handlebars
  • Damaged engine

The motorcycle repair costs can also be included in your personal injury claim, but you should consult with your layer from Maryland.For more information about motorcycle crashes at night you can contact the best accident lawyer from Maryland at (443) 569-3950 or send an email toA

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