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Dangerous And Defective Baby Products In Maryland How To Protect Your Child?

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June 17th, 2016

Children are vulnerable and, as a result, kids' products should be designed and manufactured with extra caution. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case. There are many dangerous and defective baby products in Maryland, and not only. According to statistics from the Consumer Product Safety Commission, 68 of the infant deaths in a year are associated with nursery products, while almost 100.000 children are injured annually by those products.

The defective product consumer law in MD protects you but, when the manufacturer is negligent, there is only one thing you can do contact a defective products lawyer from Maryland and fight for your child's rights.

Most common defective baby products

95 million is the number of defective products for children registered in two years. Among these, you can find cribs, pacifiers, pillows, toys, strollers, car seats, bicycles and child restraint systems. In addition to those products, there are the potentially hazardous ones that haven't been signaled properly by the manufacturer. Some of these products contain toxic substances that can hurt a child and small items that can represent a choking hazard.

Defective products liability in MD

The defective products consumer law in MD is very strict. When it comes to defective products liability in MD, you have three options that can support your defective products claim in Maryland.

  • With the help of your faulty product lawyer in Annapolis, you can sue the company for negligence. This will require you to prove that the company failed to manufacture the product in a reasonable and prudent way. This also includes the warning written on the product in case it contained potential hazards that have not been brought to your attention by the
  • You also have the option of suing for breach of contract. This means that when you purchase a product, there are some implied and express warranties to ensure its safety and quality. If the product was dangerous, the manufacturer has breached the warranty, and you can pursue a defective products claim.
  • Your third option is to pursue strict liability. According to the law, you don't need to prove that the manufacturer produced the item in a negligent way, but you need to demonstrate that the product was defective when you bought it. You also need to bring proof that the item was dangerous in addition to being defective and that its defect caused the injury.

Defective products attorney in Maryland

If you want to build a powerful defective products claim in Maryland, you will need the help of a specialized attorney. Only with the support of a faulty products lawyer in Annapolis you can value your consumer rights and receive justice. If you or your child have been hurt by a defective product, there is no time to lose. Contact us at (443) 569-3950 or via email at to receive a free consultation and discuss your options.

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