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Dealing With A Motorcycle Head Injury In Annapolis

Written by
June 17th, 2016

Most of the people believe that motorcycles are extremely dangerous. According to a study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the fatality rates for motorcyclists have increased dramatically in the past few years, and over 5.000 motorcyclists are killed, annually in the USA in motorcycle crashes. But the reason motorcycles are this dangerous doesn't have much to do with the rider's skill or sense of responsibility, but rather with a car driver's negligence.

A motorcycle head injury in Annapolis is, arguably, the most severe type of damage resulted from a motorcycle crash. If you or a loved one have been through a motorcycle accident, then you need to contact a motorcycle injury lawyer in Annapolis and discover how you can get justice.

The Effects Of A Motorcycle Traumatic Brain Injury in Maryland

The consequences of a motorcycle traumatic brain injury in Maryland can be devastating, in many cases leading to permanent damage. These effects include permanent paralysis or seizures, inability to work, loss of motor skills and coordination, decreased cognitive abilities, memory loss as well as anxiety, long-term depression, and anger.

Besides the dreadful consequences of this type of injury, there is also the process of intense recovery that may last for years. A motorcycle injury recovery in Annapolis can indefinitely impact your life and prove to be a harsh and long process, not to mention extremely costly. According to the JACS (Journal of American College of Surgeons), the medical costs for a patient that has suffered a brain injury are double than the costs for a patient that has suffered any other type of damage in a motorcycle crash. The average non-medical and medical expenses for a person who survives a traumatic brain injury are somewhere around $150.000.

Motorcycle Injury Compensation In MD

Any traffic attorney from MD will tell you that if you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury, you need to file a motorcycle injury claim in Maryland. The medical expenses are enormous, not to mention the rehabilitation period's costs, as well as the costs associated with loss of income and psychological therapy. This is why a motorcycle injury compensation in MD has a substantial value the purpose is to help you get through this dreadful experience as quickly as possible. Filing a motorcycle injury claim in Maryland cannot undo the harm that has been done to you, but, with the help of the right traffic attorney from MD, it can help ease your burden and let you focus on recovery only.

Besides the physical therapy, the process of motorcycle injury recovery in Annapolis also involves achieving emotional peace and this is something you can obtain only if you stand up for your rights. Call the best motorcycle injury lawyer from Annapolis at (443) 569-3950 or send us an email at We have the expertise and the desire to fight for your rights and help you achieve closure. Tell us your story and you will receive our free counsel regarding your situation!

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