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Defective motor vehicles faulty product lawyer in Annapolis

Written by
June 17th, 2016

Getting involved in a car accident is unfortunate, but if the accident is the result of a car, motorcycle, or other motor vehicle defect, then you can file a product liability claim. With the help of your faulty product lawyer from Annapolis you can prove the product defect and receive compensation for the accident and your injuries.Motor vehicles and defective productsYour product defect attorney from Annapolis can offer you some examples of vehicle defects that were the subject of product liability in recent years, which include:

  • SUV's prone to roll over
  • Car tires prone to blowouts
  • œWobbling motorcycles
  • ATVs prone to roll over

Your defective products attorney from Annapolis can gather the evidence you need to prove the defect was the cause of your accident. Defective products lawsuits contain special features, especially in car parts and other motor vehicles.Types of product liability claimsDefective motor vehicles liability claims fall in two categories:

  • Vehicles that have a dangerous design. Your defective products lawyer from Annapolis knows this category of claims is for vehicles or vehicle parts that were properly manufactured but their design is dangerous and can injure someone or cause other damages. This can happen also for vehicles or vehicle parts that have been on sale before discovering they are dangerous.
  • Vehicles/ vehicle parts with manufacturing defects. Your product defect attorney from Annapolis will tell you that this type of claim is for vehicles or vehicle parts that were manufactured improperly in some way. This can be the result of a problem or error during the manufacturing/shipping the vehicle or vehicle part.

Who is the defendant?It is crucial to identify the correct defendant in order to win the case. You can bring your lawsuit against any participant (or all) from the chain of distribution which has been involved in manufacturing, transporting, and selling the vehicle or vehicle parts. In the motor vehicle cases, the following are part of the chain of distribution.

  • Car manufacturer
  • Parts manufacturer
  • Car dealership/ automotive supply shop
  • Shipper or middleman
  • Used car dealer

What if the vehicle was not mine?Even if the defective car or motorcycle involved in your accident did not belong to you, it is still possible to have a valid liability case. For example, if you were injured by someone else's defective vehicle or if you borrowed a defective car, you can still have a claim and with the help of your defective products attorney from Annapolis you can determine who is liable.Traffic accident claim vs. product liability claimIf you were involved in an accident (no matter which vehicle was defective) you can file a claim against the manufacturer (or other entity from the chain of distribution) and a claim against the negligent driver of the other vehicle (if this is the case).For more information about faulty motor vehicles you can contact the best defective products lawyer from Annapolis at (443) 569-3950 or send an email toA Free consultation of your case.

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