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Delayed Car Injury Symptoms In MD What To Do

Written by
June 17th, 2016

A car accident is a traumatic event that can have long-term consequences. Sometimes, because of the way our bodies are built, you may not register right away all the ways a car accident has affected you. Delayed car injury symptoms in MD are not uncommon. In fact, there is a broad range of injuries that can appear at some point after a car accident from physical injuries to psychological trauma, people can suffer the consequences of a car crash even if, in the first moments, everything seemed fine. This is one of the reasons why you should never rush into a car accident settlement in Maryland, even if the insurance company pressures you to do so and seek the counsel of an Annapolis injury attorney.Injuries you should watch out forThe thing with car accidents is that people get a rush of adrenaline when they are involved in a car crash. This is the main reason why, immediately after an accident, you can feel just fine and, hours later be in tremendous pain because of a broken leg, for example.Soft tissue injuries, including whiplash, cause swelling, pain and reduced mobility. However, the symptoms of soft tissue injury may take days, even weeks, to show themselves. And because you cannot use X-rays to diagnose them, it is almost impossible to know that you have suffered a soft tissue injury if there are no symptoms right away.Concussions are very dangerous and, unfortunately, most of the times they do not show up right away or the symptoms are very subtle and can easily be confused with the stress associated with a car crash.A If you experience headaches, a blurry vision, dizziness, nausea or lack of energy after a car crash, you should get in touch with a doctor right away. The same goes for clouded thinking, inability to concentrate, abnormal sleep patterns or difficulty remembering new information.Car accident settlement in MarylandEven if you don't experience symptoms after a car accident, you should seek medical attention and document everything that happens. The insurance company may try to push you to sign a settlement, but you shouldn't rush into it. You should discuss it with your personal injury lawyer from Maryland and wait for to the doctor to evaluate you. If you sign the settlement, you won't be able to file a claim for your injury anymore.Personal injury lawyer from MarylandIf you have been involved in a car accident, it is always a good idea to reach out to an Annapolis injury lawyer and seek their advice. Document everything your doctor tells you and have your case assessed by an Annapolis injury attorney. This way you can prove the extent of your injuries and have a chance at recovering damages. Contact the best Annapolis injury lawyer at (443) 569-3950 or by email at and you will get a free assessment of your situation.

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