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Eating disorders and sexual abuse in Greenbelt, MD

Written by
June 17th, 2016

According to NEDA, around 30% of the individuals who suffer from eating disorders have previously been abused sexually. There is a direct link between eating disorders and sexual abuse in Greenbelt, MD, and this link is called body image. Psychologist experts explain that many sexual abuse victims change the way they see themselves and their body. Being repulsed by their own body is a common sign of sexual abuse, and as a result, that person can develop an eating disorder. With the help of your personal injury lawyer from Greenbelt, MD, you can get justice for you or a loved one. It is important to know that legal options exist in Maryland and that you can bring the culprit to justice.Sexual abuse and eating disorders in MarylandYour Greenbelt injury lawyer knows that a person who's been the victim of sexual abuse can develop a negative image of their body. This can trigger body shame and it is generally followed by unhealthy habits that can destroy a healthy body. People can develop various eating disorders, such as bulimia, anorexia, or overeating, which are extremely dangerous especially if the sexual abuse happened at a young age. Domestic violence and PTSD are can also help trigger the development of certain eating disorders.Eating disorder specialists agree on the fact that bulimia is closely connected to trauma and self-protection. There are other factors that can generate bulimia. So if somebody suffers from bulimia it does not necessarily mean that they've been sexually abused. That is why it is crucial to look for other signs of sexual abuse, such as mood swings, nightmares, anxiety, etc. If you or somebody you know have been the victim of sexual abuse you can contact a personal injury attorney from Greenbelt, MD, and file a sexual abuse claim to get compensation.How can a Greenbelt injury attorney help your case?A person who's been sexually abused needs firstly to talk to a therapist to help them make peace with the tragic event they have been through. But can there be peace without closure? This is where your Greenbelt injury lawyer comes into play. It is impossible to turn back the time and undo the harm that was done, but with the help of justice and a personal injury attorney from Greenbelt, MD, you can bring the person responsible to justice. Filing a sexual abuse claim is the first step you should take in getting justice and with the aid of your Greenbelt injury attorney you can decide what your next step should be.You can call anytime at (443) 569-3950 or send an email at to get the help of the best personal injury lawyer from Greenbelt, MD. You will get a free consultation of your case. Together we can decide how to bring the guilty party to justice and make them pay for what they've done. Take control of your life and don't let what happened to you destroy your future.

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