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Electrocution cardiac injury consequences

Written by
June 17th, 2016

Most electric shock accidents result from negligence, from failure to fix hazards to everyday neglect. Sometimes, at fault could be a defective product or equipment. But an electrocution accident is severe and can easily kill someone. Aside from the heavy burns, you could suffer from an electrocution accident, the shock could also affect your heart. If you have suffered an electrocution cardiac injury in Annapolis, you should be careful and firstly visit a heart doctor. Then, when everything is ok, you can start an electrical injury lawsuit in Maryland against the person responsible.

The human body is a perfect electric conductor

This means that electricity passes through the human body easily, and it can seriously affect your heart. Direct contact with electric current is sometimes even deadly. If you suffered an electrical burn, you should get checked up by a doctor, because internal damage is not visible without the proper equipment. From an electrical injury, the cardiac complications do not manifest until it is too late. The electric current affects the body in three ways:

  • Cardiac arrest
  • Muscle, tissue and nerve destruction (this includes the heart)
  • Thermal burns in the area that came in contact with the electric source.

Electrical injury to the heart in Maryland

From 1992 since 2002 more than 3,378 workers died from electrical injuries on-the-job. Most of these deaths are the result of the heart giving up and not because of the burns.A Also, in the same period, 46,598 persons were non-fatally injured on the job.

If the electricity has a clear and direct pathway to the heart, via a cardiac catheter or another electrode, a low current of less than 1 mA, either DC or AC, can cause fibrillation. If not treated immediately by defibrillation you could die as a result of the chaotic movement of muscle cells. You can expect from an electrical injury arrhythmia of the heart (skip a beat in an unnatural manner). But most of the time the electrical injury is a myocardial infarction (heart attack) as a result of the heart muscle damage.

An electrocution can also have neurological effects. Recent studies show that people who suffer from electrocution have problems with spatial memory and learning oculomotor tasks.

Electrical injury lawsuit Maryland

If you have suffered from electrocution that was not your fault, it is best to contact an electrocution injury lawyer from MD and start a lawsuit against the person or party at fault. With the help of a specialist to represent you in court and for negotiations, you can receive compensation for medical expenses, the time you've missed work, the health problems that resulted from the accident and for the trauma you have suffered. Furthermore, by taking action you also make the person responsible will be more careful so no other will suffer the way you did.

Contact the best electrical injury attorney in Annapolis at (443) 569-3950 or email at Contact us as soon as possible and explain to us what you can remember from your accident.

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