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Electrocution Lawyer in Annapolis: Types of Electric Injuries

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June 17th, 2016

An electrocution lawyer in Annapolis sees all kinds of electric shock injuries. There are many situations when people get injured because somebody else was negligent. You can suffer an electric injury in a public space, as a result of the municipality carelessness. You can also suffer it at a restaurant, hotel or other type of privately owned property, as a result of the owner’s negligence. As your electric shock attorney in Maryland will tell you, even if you suffer an electric injury in your own home, you may not be at fault. This type of injury can be cause by a faulty product or improper electrical wires. As each case has its own particularities, if you have been the victim of an electric shock accident in Annapolis, you should contact your MD electric shock attorney. Read further to find out how many types of electrical injuries are there.

The 4 main electric injuries

As your Annapolis electrocution lawyer will tell you, there are 4 types of electric injuries that could occur:

  1. Falling down. If you were on a ladder when the accident occurred, as the result of the electric shock, you could fall from that ladder. The ones that are most at risk form this type of electric accident in Annapolis are the electricians who constantly use ladders to do the wiring. In addition to the injury resulted from the electric current passing through an individual’s body, there will also be the injury resulted from the fall.
  2. Burn injuries. Most electrical accidents will cause a burn injury. An electric shock can result in an electric burn or a thermal burn. The last one can be caused by the arc flash or blast. It is very important to seek medical attention immediately, even if you have a small electric bun. An electric shock injury is very unpredictable and can cause more damage to your body than you may see at first.
  3. Electric shock injuries. These injuries are the side effects of the electrical current passing through your body. You may feel these injuries in your hands or feet. As your electrocution lawyer in Annapolis will tell you, you need to seek medical attention right away. Some people believe that, if the electrical charge wasn’t powerful, then there is no health risk. In fact, you don’t know how that small electric shock affected your internal organs and only a trained medical can properly assess your health.
  4. Electrocution. This is by far the most dangerous types of electric shock injuries as it means an individual has been electrocuted. The electrical current has passed through their bodies and they have been in contact with the power source for more than a second. If a loved one has suffered this type of accident, you need to immediately call for an ambulance.

Annapolis Electrocution Lawyer

In case you or a loved one have been the victims of an electric injury in MD, get in touch with an electric shock attorney in Maryland. To contact the best Annapolis electrocution lawyer and get a free assessment of your case, call (443) 569-3950 or send us an email at

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