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Entrapment and Criminal Defense in Greenbelt, MD

Written by
June 17th, 2016

There are many strategies your personal injury lawyer from Greenbelt, MD can use in a criminal case. In some cases, the law enforcement agencies try to use tactics, such as entrapment although such tactics do not abide by the law. Even if you've made a mistake, you are still a citizen of the United Stated and you have rights. In this article, you will learn more about entrapment and criminal defense in Greenbelt, MD and what you can do in that situation.Most people confuse the entrapment with opportunity. The criminal defense entrapment strategy intends to prove that the law enforcement handled your case in a faulty way. It is crucial to know that if you believe that you are the victim of entrapment, you can contact a Greenbelt injury lawyer to protect your rights.Entrapment vs. Opportunity In general, the government expects you to respect the law, even in situations when you are given an opportunity to break it. The difference is how this situation arises and your Greenbelt injury attorney can explain to you more about this.For example: If an undercover officer asks a specific individual to sell them illegal substances, it is considered legal and there are a lot of things to consider before speaking of entrapment.If an undercover officer met a person at a party and asked for illegal substances with the fake intent to use it, it is still considered legal. This is considered opportunity, and regardless of what your personal injury attorney from Greenbelt, MD, might say you will still get charged.But if the undercover officer stalked a person for days/weeks/months, coming to this person's house asking repeatedly for illegal substances, in the end convincing the individual to do the sale after being harassed or threatened, then this is entrapment. Your Greenbelt injury lawyer can help you in this case and if the entrapment can be proved in the court of justice, you will win the case.Who can commit the entrapment? To understand this, you must firstly understand a little bit more about the criminal defense law. Until now, you've been explained the difference between opportunity and entrapment. Police officers are legally allowed to offer you the opportunity to do something illegal, but without harassing or threatening you, or by using fraud to make you break the law. This law was made to prevent any police abuse, but the entrapment does not apply to civilians at all.Your personal injury attorney from Greenbelt, MD, can explain to you that only police officers can entrap you. To understand this a little bit better, let's take one of the previously given examples. So, if a person is asking you for illegal substances but they are not a police officer (but a civilian snitch), then regardless of their behavior it will not be considered entrapment.A All government agents are bound by this law and can entrap somebody. Your Greenbelt injury attorney can explain to you more about this and in your case you were entrapped or not.If you are in need of legal counsel or you have any questions about entrapment, you can contact the best personal injury lawyer from Greenbelt, MD, at (443) 569-3950 or

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