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How an electrical injury in Southern Maryland affects your body

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June 17th, 2016

One of the most dangerous types of accidents in the US are the Electrical ones. This is mainly because the electric current can affect the brain and nervous system. It is much easier than you think to suffer an electrical injury in Southern Maryland. Electrical injuries are categorized into two categories, depending on the voltage. These injuries can be caused by the current that passes through your body or by the conversion of the electric energy into thermal energy. If you suffered an electric injury, you should contact your personal injury lawyer from Southern Maryland.Evaluation after electrocution Your Southern Maryland injury lawyer knows that the severity of your injury depends on the voltage, intensity, type of current,A contact surface, duration of exposure, the resistance of tissue, the pathway, and other factors.The AC (alternating current) electrocutions are three times more dangerous than DC ones. The frequency of AC is 60 Hz in the US. This causes continuous muscle contraction, and your muscles can be stimulated between 40 and 100 times each second. As a result, those who come in direct contact with AC get stuck to the contact area, increasing the duration of contact, worsening the injury. AC is also extremely dangerous to the brain. You should get immediately checked out by a doctor after an electrocution. After that, you should contact Southern Maryland injury attorney to receive compensation that will help you with your recovery.The DC (direct current) on the other hand can cause muscle contraction, but it also throws the victim away from the source of the current. People who suffer from DC electrocutions suffer from cardiac dysrhythmias, (a disturbance n the phase of the cardiac cycle), but also receive extensive blunt trauma. Your personal injury attorney from Southern Maryland will get you the compensation that will cover lost wages, treatment costs, medication, skin operations, therapy, pain and suffering, and others.The time of contact determines the damageThe injuries you suffer in an electrocution accident depend on the period of contact with the current source.A The longer the contact, the greater the injuries you may suffer. The current often will concentrate at the entrance point (contact point) and exit point (ground point) of the body. In these areas, the damage will be more extensive, and you will need complex treatments and therapies to overcome the damage. The cost of treatment can be included in your electrocution claim by your Southern Maryland injury lawyer.Your personal injury lawyer from Southern Maryland can recognize if your injuries are the result of direct or indirect contact with a power source.The indirect contact is classified into an arch, flash, blunt trauma, and thermal trauma. The greatest injuries suffered in an indirect contact with a power source is the arch, because the victim also suffers extensive thermal burns resulted from the ignition of the clothes. The temperature in an arch can reach 2,500 degrees. Your Southern Maryland injury attorney will also provide you with experts that will bring more evidence to your case and increase your chances of receiving compensation.For more information about electrocution accidents, you should contact the most professional personal injury lawyer from Southern Maryland at (443) 569-3950 or by sending an email at

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