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How to get justice for your slip-and-fall brain injury in Baltimore Maryland

Written by
June 17th, 2016

If you experienced a slip-and-fall brain injury in Baltimore, Maryland, you might be entitled to compensation. All slip-and-fall accidents should and can be prevented, but if the responsible party did not take proper care and were negligent, according to the slip-and-fall law, they are liable and have to pay compensation for your injuries. To increase your chances of winning the case and the value of your damages, you should contact a personal injury lawyer from Baltimore, Maryland.The main issueYour Baltimore injury lawyer is aware that the first thing they should to create a slip-and-fall case is to determine if a party (person or business) can be held liable for the injuries you suffered. Generally, the party responsible is the owner of the land where the accident occurred. But if your accident took place in a business building or a commercial space, your Baltimore injury lawyer will bring them to court just as easily.What does this mean?For example, no one might be held liable for natural accumulation of substances that are slippery (such as ice or snow) the first time they occur. But the proprietor does not have to allow the slippery substance to remain for a longer period. If the slippery surface is not cleared in a reasonable manner, they can be held liable for any accidents that happen. The same is true if there is a leaky floor in a supermarket. A personal injury attorney from Baltimore, Maryland, knows the slip-and-fall law and can bring experts that will help back up your claim.What about car accidents?In motor vehicle accidents, all the evidence needs to be evaluated first by your Baltimore injury lawyer. You have higher chances of winning you case if the evidence is assessed by an expert. It is also imperative to preserve all the proof in the same condition as it was when the accident took place. Immediately after your accident you should contact a Baltimore injury attorney and ask them what to do. Usually, the first thing you need to do is to determine if everybody that took part in the accident is out of any danger. Then you could use your cell phone's camera to take some quality pictures of the slippery area that caused your accident. This will help you prove you were not at fault. All the evidence will be sent by your personal injury attorney from Baltimore, Maryland, to an expert where it is evaluated, and a report will be made. This expert could also back you up court as an expert witness.In general brain injuries could not manifest themselves immediately after the accident. That is why it is recommended to visit your doctor after your slip-and-fall and get evaluated by a medical.For more information about slip-and-fall brain injuries, you should contact the best personal injury lawyer from Baltimore, Maryland, at A (443) 569-3950 or send an email atA

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