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How to protect an injury claim after the car accident Traffic attorney in Maryland

Written by
June 17th, 2016

If you've been injured in a vehicle accident, you should be skeptical about the insurance adjuster's goodwill when they come to you with an offer, especially if the offer comes early in your case. Insurance adjusters are rigorously trained to use effective delay and deny tactics that are intended to lower or even deny your car accident injury compensation in Maryland. That is why adjusters talk to accident victims trying to convince them to settle their own car accident injury claims before they get the change to consult with their traffic attorney from Maryland. If you want to get a full and fair offer, here are some tips that can help you build a strong case against the liable driver's insurance company.Call the policeIf you are involved in an accident, it is best to get the police involved even if the accident is minor. A police car will be sent to your location and even an ambulance (if needed). After the police officers investigate the accident, an official police report will be issued. This report can be crucial to your case because it establishes how the accident happened and who the driver responsible for the accident is. If you don't have a police report this can lead to a lot of arguments with the insurance company about how the accident really happened.Take pictures and get the right information If you were not hurt and need immediate medical treatment, you can take some photographs of the accident scene. Take some photos of the road conditions, damage of the cars, their angles, skid marks, and their license plates. You can also ask the witnesses (if any) for their contact information and to give you a written statement where it is explained what they saw.See a doctor Even if you believe you were not injured, you should still see a doctor. Some car accident injuries start presenting symptoms days after the accident happens. In addition to this, if you got injured and a doctor prescribes a treatment, then you have further evidence to support your claim and it will also increase your car accident injury compensation in MarylandDon't miss any doctor appointmentsIf you are not present at all of your doctor's appointments, then your case will significantly become weaker and the insurance adjuster will argue that you were not that hurt if you didn't keep all of your appointments. If you cannot go to one of the doctor's appointments, just call them and reschedule.Don't give a recorded statement to the insurance adjusterDon't make any recorded statements for the insurance representative in Maryland without your car accident injury lawyer's knowledge.A If the adjuster really needs a recorded statement for their investigation, your attorney will prepare you so that all the facts about your car accident are expressed accordingly when confronted with confusing or trap questions.Consult with a car accident injury attorney from Maryland An experienced car accident injury lawyer from Maryland can help you avoid making any legal mistakes that can weaken your case. There are a lot of rules and laws that you must follow and many people who decide to do everything by themselves, due to the lack of expertise, fail to get compensated.For more information you can contact the best car accident injury attorney in Maryland at (443) 569-3950 or send an email toA

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