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Lead Paint Poisoning In Maryland

Written by
June 17th, 2016

Lead paint poisoning in Maryland has a dramatic history. Even though this type of paint is very dangerous and has been banned in Europe for over a hundred years (for the interior of a house), in Maryland only in 1981 measures were taken against this paint when used for the interior of the houses. As a result, the vast majority of the houses built before 1980 (74% of them) is plagued by lead-based paint. Lead paint and brain injuries in MD bear a strong link because this toxic paint can cause a number of severe health issues. In case you or a loved one have suffered because of this problem, you have the right to reach out to a lead paint attorney in Annapolis and recover damages.Lead paint & brain injury in MDThe ones that are affected the most by lead paint are the children. According to CDC, this type of paint is the most common cause of lead poisoning in children. It is associated with brain injuries, learning disabilities, slowed growth, damage to the nervous system, headaches, and hearing issues.Adults can also experience a number of problems as a result of lead poisoning high blood pressure, reproductive issues, nerve disorders, digestive problems, muscle and joint pain, memory difficulties.You should know that landlords are required to repaint the surfaces in the house that have lead paint, prior to sanding them. They have to take these precautions because lead is very dangerous to humans. Unfortunately, many of them choose to boost their profits by investing nothing in their properties and, most of the times, people get to suffer because of that. This is why, in case you have been the victim of lead paint poisoning, you need to get in touch with a lead paint attorney in Annapolis and see how you can recover damages. For example, in 2012, in Baltimore, the jury granted over $1,200,000 in compensation to a family whose child had lost 7 IQ points because of lead poisoning.Law office in Annapolis, MarylandIf you think you leave in a house with lead paint, experience any of the symptoms associated with lead paint poisoning, you need to get in touch with an Annapolis injury lawyer. Christopher L. Beard has a lot of experience with personal injury cases and he can help you not only file your claim, but also by recommending experts to testify for you. Contact our law offices in Annapolis, Maryland at (443) 569-3950 or by email at You will receive a free initial consultation along with valuable advice on what your next steps should be.

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