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LLC requirements LLC lawyer in Maryland

Written by
June 17th, 2016

Limited liability companies in Maryland are extremely affordable and very easy to form. But just as any other state, Maryland has some particular LLC requirements that you have to respect. Your LLC lawyer from Maryland can help you form your LLC and explain you more about the whole process.Forming an LLC in Maryland requirements Those who want to register an LLC have to do it with the MDAT Maryland Departments of Assessments and Taxation and fill in the necessary forms, pay the requested fees and meet the naming requirements. These specifications are as follows:

  • Maryland LLC registration. LLC have to complete and submit the Articles of Organization with the MDAT. This can be one in person or by email and must include:
  • LLC name and address
  • The purpose of the LLC
  • The name, address, and signature of the organizer
  • The name, address, and signature of the registered agent

All submitted documents must be accompanied by the filing fee required. Your LLC attorney from Maryland can explain to you more about this.

  • The forms and fees. For the Articles of Organization, you will have to pay a fee of about $100. The fees may change so you should check with your LLC lawyer from Maryland and with the MDAT.
  • Naming Requirements. The LLC naming requirements may be confusing. The easiest way for your LLC's name to be approved is for it to be distinguishable from all other LLC.

Forming an LLC in Maryland Before starting the Maryland LLC registration process, it is important to know what a limited liability company is and if it's a viable business structure for you. You can ask you LLC attorney from Maryland to help you with all the details.These steps are a general guideline through the Maryland Registration process of the MDAT.

  1. Chose a name for your business. The name is viable as long as it is unique and it ends with LLC or Limited Liability Company (or any other abbreviations: LLC, L.L.C., L.C., LC). In Maryland, you cannot reserve a name, but you can check its availability online directly on the MDAT website.
  2. Pick an Agent for all the processes. Also known as registered agents, they can be either individuals or corporations that are authorized to do business in the state of Maryland. The role of the registered agent is to accept legal documents on behalf of all LLC members and keep them notified.
  3. Get an EIN (Employer Identification Number) from the IRS. In the case there are two or more members of the LLC.
  4. Create an operating agreement
  5. Get familiarized with the LLC legal obligations, balance sheets, annual reports, depreciation schedule and disposal and transfer reconciliation.

You Maryland LLC attorney can help you determine if your business plan is suited for an LLC and aid you in forming your own LLC.For more information, you can contact the best LLC lawyer in Maryland at (443) 569-3950 and email atA

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