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Medical malpractice knee surgery in Columbia, Maryland

Written by
June 17th, 2016

It is quite dangerous to undergo a knee surgery, as it carries a lot of risks and possible long-term complications. Most of the time, the problems are prevented, but in some cases, patients suffer a knee complication. If you are the victim of medical malpractice knee surgery in Columbia, Maryland, you might file a claim against the surgeon, health care facility or hospital to receive compensation. With the help of a personal injury lawyer from Columbia, Maryland, you can prove the existence of medical malpractice and the negligence of the medical team.Risks and side-effects of a knee surgeryYour Columbia injury lawyer knows that the knee replacement procedure is extremely dangerous (but not life threatening). During this procedure, the end of the tibia will be replaced with a plastic piece and a metal stem. The upper femur (end part) will receive a metal cap and sometimes the procedure will require the removal or replacing of the cruciate ligaments (which are extremely sensitive). Undergoing a knee replacement surgery needs to be done using extra caution, and if it's not done properly, you might end up walking with a limb all your life. Your Columbia injury attorney will help you receive compensation for this, especially if the medical malpractice is now affecting your ability to work in your profession.Procedure risks and side-effects for which you are advised to contact a personal injury attorney from Columbia, Maryland, include:

  • Nerve damage
  • Blood vessel injury
  • Infection
  • Bleeding into the knee joint
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Impeded movement
  • Urinary tract infection
  • General loss of motion
  • Chronic stiffness
  • Permanent pain in the knee area

If you experience one of these symptoms after undergoing a knee replacement surgery, you should contact your Annapolis injury lawyer. Your case could go to court, but most likely it will settle. Your personal injury attorney from Columbia, Maryland, can help you with both.A And do not worry if the lawsuit has started. You have time until the end of the trial to reach a settlement with the defendant's attorney.How to know if you have a medical malpractice case?A A A A A It does not mean that you can sue if your knee surgery does not go how you expect. A medical malpractice claim is valid only if the medical standard of care was not respected. If the doctor warned you about the side-effect you are now suffering from (and you signed your approval for the surgery), then there might be nothing you can do. You need to consult with your Columbia injury attorney and determine if you are the victim of medical malpractice.When to see a lawyer?If you believe your knee surgery was done not respecting the medical standard of care and the results are out of the ordinary (due to negligence), you should consider contacting your lawyer.Contact the best personal injury lawyer from Columbia, Maryland, at (443) 569-3950 or directly send an email at: You will receive a free consultation of your case.

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