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Medical malpractice and senior citizens malpractice attorney in Annapolis

Written by
June 17th, 2016

Elder people need more medical care to enjoy a normal life. A Even though many senior citizens reside in a nursing home, they are not treated properly and their health might get ruined. In addition to this, because of their fragile health elderly patients are susceptible to medical malpractice and abuse by nursing homes and hospitals. That is why the largest number of medical malpractice cases in hospitals and nursing homes are senior citizens. With the help of your malpractice attorney from Annapolis, you can file a medical malpractice claim and receive compensation for what you or your loved one have been through.Patient's rights to medical careThe laws are given to protect the citizens and their rights. But sometimes, in order to enforce your rights, you may need to get the help of a lawyer from Annapolis, including for medical malpractice. In the case of medical care, health care providers know what they have to do. The problem is that the medicals might abuse their position as patients are not aware of their rights. Under the Maryland law, nursing home patients need to receive and have the right to clinical treatment and care, including the right to:

  • Receive appropriate and adequate medical care, to be fully informed of their total health status including the medical condition, prognosis, diagnosis, and treatment plan.
  • Refuse medication and treatment plan, as well as refusing to participate in experimental research.
  • To be fully informed beforehand about care and treatment.

But there are other special rights you or your loved one may have as a nursing home resident, including the right to:

  • Receive information about a certain nursing home
  • Participate in self-care
  • Privacy and confidentiality
  • Be treated with respect, consideration, and dignity
  • Be free from verbal, physical, mental, and sexual abuse
  • Visits from family, friends, ombudsmen, advocates, social services providers, and many others
  • Make independent choices
  • Complain about problems
  • Examine your own medical records
  • Safe and secure discharge or transfer

There are many detailed rights that need to be protected which your malpractice injury lawyer from Annapolis will explain to you. If something bad happens or if you think your legal rights were violated, you can file a medical malpractice or abuse claim in Annapolis and receive compensation with the help of your malpractice injury lawyer.When a hospital or nursing home fails to respect your rightsIf a hospital or nursing home fails to provide a patient the required standard of care, the patient can recover damages for the injuries they suffered as a result to the inadequate treatment or medical care they received. With the help of a malpractice injury lawyer from Annapolis, you can file a medical malpractice lawsuit and recover damages. You can also file a complaint with the Maryland State Department of Health and report the inadequate treatment or medical care.For more information about nursing home abuses or malpractice, you can contact the best medical malpractice lawyer in Annapolis at (443) 569-3950 or send an email to

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