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Medical malpractice brain injury - what to do?

Written by
June 17th, 2016

For the brain to function normally it requires constant oxygen flow. Cerebral hypoxia and anoxia are medical terms that refer to the lack of oxygen in the brain. Hypoxia refers to the partial lack of oxygen and anoxic to a total lack of oxygen. The more the deprivation of oxygen, the more severe will be the harm to the brain. This can cause serious impairments in cognitive skill, as well as in other physical and psychological functions. Sadly, it is possible for brain injuries to be the result of medical error and malpractice. A medical malpractice brain injury in Annapolis can result from:

  • Injuries during delivery/birth
  • Complications of anesthesia
  • Medication errors
  • Surgical errors
  • Compression of the trachea
  • Inadequate perfusion on lung/heart machine during CABG (coronary artery bypass graft surgery)
  • Failure to correctly monitor and treat hypotension (extremely low blood pressure)

The brain cells are very sensitive to the deprivation of oxygen and start to die within five minutes since the oxygen supply was cut off. If this period is shorter, it is possible for total brain injury recovery.

If hypoxia lasts longer, it can cause seizures, coma, and brain death. And if the brain is dead, there is no measurable activity in it, although the cardiovascular function works perfectly with the help of life support for respiration.

Symptoms of brain injuries that resulted from oxygen deprivation

Even with a full brain injury recovery from the lack of oxygen, a person can still have symptoms. These symptoms are similar to traumatic brain injuries that result from a blow to the head. These symptoms are:

  • Short term memory loss
  • Difficulty with words
  • Disruption of critical tasks such as making judgments and reasoning
  • Visual disturbance
  • Lack of coordination
  • Inability to do familiar sequence movements such as combing hair, brushing teeth, etc
  • Weakness of arms and legs

Brain injuries that result from medical malpractice

If cerebral hypoxia/anoxia is the result of medical malpractice, the patient and their family members are not aware of the incident. If there are any behavioral changes, physical or cognitive changes, poor judgment, memory loss, inattentiveness, or a decrease in motor coordination, then the signs point to a brain injury that needs specialized traumatic brain injury rehabilitation. Most victims are infants and young children, and this can leave them permanently disabled. If you, a family member or someone you know has suffered a brain injury from medical malpractice, get the help of a brain injury lawyer in Maryland to get justice in court. This way you will not only receive the compensation you are entitled to, but the person responsible will never practice medicine, thus avoiding to hurt someone ever again.

According to the brain injury law of MD, medical negligence or medical malpractice occurs when the health care provider fails to act accordingly and in conformity with the prevailing standard of medical care. The person responsible can be a doctor, nurse or any other medical care provider that was negligent to the patient causing them serious injury or death.

If you or your loved one have suffered harm as a result of medical malpractice, you can get the help of the best traumatic brain injury lawyer in Annapolis at (443) 569-3950 and for a free consultation about your legal rights.

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