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Motorcycle Hip Injury In Annapolis Consequences and Claims

Written by
June 17th, 2016

A motorcycle hip injury in Annapolis or a pelvic injury can be extremely painful and leave negative consequences for the rest of your life. According to studies, hip dislocations account for 37% of the motorcycle hip injuries and, since the pelvis has a crucial role in stabilizing the lower body, this type of injuries require immediate medical attention and can have a devastating impact.

Complications from a motorcycle crash hip injury

A pelvic fracture can make it very difficult for a person to walk, run or jog. It can affect your whole life and, usually, surgical treatment involving metal hardware is needed. Besides the ordeals caused by these surgeries, a person who has suffered a motorcycle accident hip injury can experience long-term residual pain. 60% of the patients who suffer an unstable pelvic fracture lose their mobility for a long time.

A Motorcycle Personal Injury Claim in Annapolis

If you have been involved in a motorcycle crash and have suffered an injury, you may have a valid motorcycle injury claim in Annapolis. What you need to do after receiving the medical care is contact a motorcycle injury lawyer in Annapolis and get an assessment of your situation. If you have a valid claim, most of the time the MD motorcycle injury compensation you are entitled to will include compensation for medical bills, loss of income and emotional distress. Your motorcycle personal injury lawyer from Maryland will be able to provide further details about what you should expect in case you decide to pursue justice.

Evidence for a motorcycle personal injury claim in Maryland

Your helmet is crucial in proving that you weren't negligent, and the accident wasn't your fault, so you should keep it in its exact state after the crash and present it as evidence. Furthermore, the police report will play a vital role in this process. If you can, you should also take some photos of the crash scene that include the position of your motorcycle, the other car as well as objects in the surrounding area that have been affected by the accident. When you are feeling better, you should return to the scene of the crash and photograph the surroundings to show the difference. Of course, if you are pursuing a motorcycle injury claim in Maryland, you should also be ready to present your medical records.

Motorcycle Injury Lawyer in Annapolis

A Maryland personal injury lawyer will help you create a valid claim and let you know everything you need to do to receive the motorcycle injury compensation you are entitled to. They will counsel you, compile the evidence and build a strong case that will help you. The compensation cannot undo your hip injury, but it can assist you by taking care of the financial aspects and allowing you to focus only on getting better. Give us a call at (443) 569-3950 or write to us at if you have suffered a motorcycle accident and you will receive our free consultation that will help you find out where you stand.

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