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Multiple car pile-up accident and shared liability Car accident injury attorney in Maryland

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June 17th, 2016

Car accidents usually involve one or two vehicles. But sometimes, car accidents involve more vehicles. There are almost 300 million cars on the roads of the US and it only takes a moment of carelessness for an extremely dangerous car pile-up accident to occur. In this type of situations, liability may be difficult to establish. In this article, you will find out what you have to do after a multiple car pile-up accident and what shared liability means directly from the best car accident injury attorney in Maryland.Contact your injury lawyer from MarylandThe first thing you should do after the car crash is to get checked by a doctor to ensure you are in no immediate danger. After the medical has cleared you, you may contact your car accident injury lawyer from Maryland and explain to them what happened to you and how the accident occurred from your point of view. Your legal adviser will help you determine who is liable for the accident, file a car accident injury claim against the party (parties) at fault and aid you in receiving compensation in Maryland.Contact your insurance companyAfter discussing with your lawyer, you may contact your insurance agent. When a multi-car accident occurs, there is a lot at stake, including big monetary compensations. Your lawyer may also get in contact with the insurance agent or company in your place. Sometimes, insurance companies try to pin the fault on the driver they represent to exonerate from paying any car accident injury compensation in Maryland.You have the option to file a car accident injury claim in Maryland against all the drivers involved in the accident, but not all of them will be held responsible (liable) for the crash. The insurance companies will have an accident investigator analyze how the accident happened and who was responsible for the chain of events.Chain reaction accidentsMany factors influence how a multi-car accident happens, including the severe weather conditions (snow, ice, fog, ran, etc.). The most common type of multi-car accident occurs when the traffic is at a stop, a car hits another in the rear, then that vehicle hits the car in front of them, and so on. If you were in the middle of the crash, does that mean that the person behind you is responsible? This may not be the case.Most of the time, in this type of situation, the driver who hit the first car is the only one liable and their insurance company will have to pay all the damages (all the cars, injuries, pain and suffering, etc.). Unfortunately this will be tough if the liable driver's insurance coverage is limited.You can contact the best car accident injury lawyer in Maryland at (443) 569-3950 or send an email toA to discuss details of your case, file an injury claim and see how you can get the compensation you deserve.A You will get a free consultation of your case.

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