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Nursing Home Abuse Statistics And Rights In Maryland

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June 17th, 2016

A worrying study has revealed that 1 in 3 seniors suffers a nursing home abuse in the US. The nursing home abuse statistics in Maryland show that 40% of the nursing homes in our state have dealt with at least 3 or more complaints in the past year. When compared to the national figures, Maryland finds itself on the 25th place regarding the number of abuses that happen in nursing homes. This is why we have decided to let you know about nursing home rights in MD. In case you or a loved one find your rights violated, you need to contact a personal injury lawyer from Maryland and seek justice.

Nursing Home Rights In MD

The law that clarifies the rights of a resident in a nursing home is called Resident's Bill of Rights. You need to remember that any violation of the following rights can cost the nursing home up to $10,000. As a senior in a nursing home, you must:

  • Have privacy and confidentiality
  • Be informed about the nursing home and know everything about your treatment
  • Be treated with respect, consideration, and dignity
  • Have the right to take part in your own care
  • Be allowed visits from whoever you choose (doctor, family, friends, advocates, social services providers)
  • Get access to your medical records
  • Be free from mental, verbal, sexual and physical abuse
  • Have the right to complain about problems
  • Be granted a secure and safe transfer or discharge

Besides the Resident's Bill of Rights, there is also the Code of Maryland Residents. Your Annapolis injury attorney will explain to you that this code is more complex and goes very deep into pertaining topics, such as the nursing services, admission and discharge, pharmaceutical services, relocation and special care units. The nursing home needs to have a licensed nurse on-site, 24/7, so that each resident can receive their medications, treatments and diets as prescribed, have access to rehabilitative nursing care, is protected from injuries, infections and accidents, and is kept clean and comfortable. In addition to this, the on-site nurse is also responsible for training, encouraging and assisting residents in group activities and self-care.

Annapolis injury lawyer

Your personal injury lawyer from Maryland can explain to you both the Resident's Bill of Rights and the Code of Maryland Residents. If you feel that in your or a loved one's nursing home things don't happen as they should, you need to reach out and get the help of an Annapolis injury attorney. Contact the best Annapolis injury lawyer at (443) 569-3950 or send us an email by We offer a free consultation of your case so that we can decide together what you need to do to receive justice.

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