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Nursing Home Emotional Abuse In Maryland

Written by
June 17th, 2016

Nursing homes exist to offer the elderly a comfortable and peaceful time after a life full of struggle. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case. Nursing home emotional abuse in Maryland is quite frequent, and it can have devastating consequences. If you suspect a loved one has been the victim of abuse, you need to contact a nursing home abuse lawyer in Annapolis immediately.

What are the forms of nursing home emotional abuse?

According to the nursing home abuse law in MD, the emotional abuse towards a senior can include both verbal and nonverbal forms. Humiliation and ridicule are some of the most common types of nursing home abuse. Demeaning behavior or habitual blaming also fall into this category, while intimidation and threatening are severe types of nursing home abuse. Other troubles seniors have in nursing homes include isolation from social activities and friends, neglect and terrorizing behavior from an employee.

The nursing home abuse law in MD exists to protect people in nursing homes but, usually, seniors that are the victims of emotional abuse tend to feel ashamed and not talk about it with their loved ones. However, there are some signs that can let you know if a loved one is emotionally abused.

Nursing Home Abuse Signs In Maryland

When you visit your loved one, you may notice some changes in their behavior. Usually, the nursing home abuse signs in Maryland that may indicate and emotional abuse are the following:

  • The senior avoids eye contact because they are ashamed
  • Your loved one will display low self-esteem
  • They seem scared, disturbed and hopeless
  • The senior avoids to speak openly and seems to be afraid of people hearing your conversation
  • Your loved one experiences sudden mood swings, seems depressed and withdrawn
  • They show abrupt changes in their eating and sleeping patterns

Nursing Home Abuse Attorney In Maryland

If you suspect your loved one is emotionally abused in their nursing home, then you need to contact the government official and your nursing home abuse lawyer in Annapolis. Any nursing home abuse is an unforgivable act, and it needs to be addressed immediately. In addition to helping your loved one, you also help other seniors because an abusive caregiver tends to display this behavior towards other people as well.

Call the best nursing home abuse attorney in Maryland at (443) 569-3950 or by email at We believe that our parents and grandparents should be offered respect and, any demeaning behavior towards them should not be tolerated. This is why we offer you a free consultation to assess your case and let you know what you can do to protect your loved ones, put an end to their torment and bring the responsible party to justice.

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