Nursing home sexual abuse in Maryland is understudied and not well understood. Elder victims of sexual assault frequently suffer from medical conditions such as memory loss, communication problems, and confusion. Elder sexual abuse can involve a different form of ill-treatment. It can either be in the form of physical violence, emotional abuse, or both. In addition to this, it is quite hard for an elder to seek justice for themselves. With the help of a nursing home abuse lawyer from Maryland, the process of bringing the person to justice becomes much easier.
The nursing home abuse law in MD defines elder sexual abuse as unwanted sexual conducts against anyone over the age of 60. The abuse can cause harm by tickling, coercing, or manipulating the elder person into unwanted sexual contacts. Even if the elderly person is unable to disapprove or communicate consent is still considered sexual contact.
Sexual abuse study
The studies conducted by NIK (National Institute of Justice) found that sexual offenders of older people are less likely to be convicted. The same survey determined that because of the poor nursing home abuse signs, it is less liable to believe the physical trauma ever happen. Unfortunately, elder sexual assault victims who live in nursing homes are unable to achieve a conviction by themselves. To help bring the culprit to justice it is advised to get the help of a nursing home abuse attorney from Annapolis.
Sexual assault offenders
The research for elder sexual abuse is limited and is made more complicated because the elder abuse victims are not willing to cooperate with authorities. There are cases of sexual assault where nursing home assistants, friends, live-in nurses, family members, and other care providers were involved. There are strict nursing home abuse regulations that should be respected, but unfortunately, sometimes, people have to suffer.
Where does the sexual abuse happen?
According to statistics done by the National Elder Abuse Incidence Study, around 70% of sexual abuses are done by family members. Another study done in 2000 estimates that 13% of elder sexual abuse victims are assaulted in their own home, and another 15% are assaulted within the sexual offender's home. But the largest percentage of more elderly people, 70%, are sexually abused within nursing homes even if there are strict nursing home abuse regulations. By consulting with a nursing home abuse attorney from Annapolis, you can get the help that you need to receive the compensation for what you or your loved one has suffered.
Nursing home abuse signs
Because seniors tend not to communicate directly about what had happened to them, you have to pay attention to any signs of elder sexual abuse, including:
If an elderly loved one has been the victim of a nursing home sexual abuse, you can contact the best nursing home abuse lawyer from Maryland at (443) 569-3950 or at email for a free consultation of your case.