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Options if you were injured in a hit-and-run accident Traffic attorney in Maryland

Written by
June 17th, 2016

According national statistics, around 11% of car accidents reported involve a hit-and-run vehicle. This type of accident can be very frustrating because the driver at fault might get off scot-free even though they damaged your car and possibly caused you an injury. With the help of your traffic attorney from Maryland you can try to find the driver and gather the evidence needed to prove their liability. But if the driver is not found you will not be able to file a car accident injury claim and receive compensation in Maryland. What then? Well, there are some options for recovery.No-Fault Car Insurance In Maryland, you can opt to get a no-fault auto insurance coverage. This means that if you were not hurt that badly, you can recover compensation for the injuries you have suffered and for certain monetary loses just as if the vehicle driver responsible for the accident never left the scene. This is known as a personal injury protection (PIP) or no-fault insurance, where your insurer will pay your lost income, medical bills and possibly replacement services such as household help. Your car accident injury lawyer from Maryland knows that the financial recovery is capped by the policy limits. You can ask your insurer details about the limit of your personal injury protection insurance policy.The PIP benefits can cover the policyholder, their family, vehicle passengers, the driver, pedestrians, and even passengers in another vehicle. PIP can pay all their medical bills and up to 85% of the lost wages fairly quick after the accident. Unfortunately, in recent years, many drivers in Maryland waive the PIP coverage, because the auto insurance rates don't go up if you use these benefits.How to tack down the hit-and-run driverMost drivers know that leaving the scene of an accident is considered a crime, but even so, some of them still leave the scene of the accident. In addition to this, most hit-and-run drivers will never get caught and brought to justice. In most cases, if the hit-and-run accident is not serious and a person was not badly injured, the police will not start an investigation. But even with an investigation, without any good leads it might be impossible to tack down the liable driver.You can increase your chances of finding the hit-and-run driver and their vehicle by taking certain measures, including:

  • Writing down any details about the vehicle, such as make, model, color, license plate number, and a description of the driver. The most valuable piece of information is the license place, even if it is a partial number.
  • Find some witnesses that say the accident and can offer you valuable information about the hit-and-run vehicle and their driver.
  • Take pictures of the accident scene and the damaged resulted from the accident. It is possible that some clues (like the paint of the other vehicle) might slip by. This can also help your car accident injury attorney from Maryland prove the liability of the driver (if they are ever caught).

For more information about what options you have in a hit-and-run accident, if you can file a car accident injury claim to be compensated, you can contact the best layer in Maryland for a free consultation of your case at (443) 569-3950 or send an email toA

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