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Pharmaceutical drugs and product liability claim in Greenbelt, MD

Written by
June 17th, 2016

Nobody wants to get injured, especially if it involves pharmaceutical drugs. This is why a product liability claim in Greenbelt, MD, might be the only option to get the compensation you deserve. Pharmaceutical-drug-based products have similar claims when a product is defective, but the injuries which result from this type of defective products have some special features. Your defective products injury lawyer from Greenbelt, MD, can explain to you more about these special features and help you with the legal matters of your case.Types of pharmaceutical drugs product liability claimsYour defective products injury attorney from Greenbelt, MD, will tell you that all liability claims involving drug-related products come in three basic varieties:

  • Pharmaceutical drugs with extremely dangerous side-effects
  • Claims based on defectively manufactured pharmaceutical products
  • Improperly marketed pharmaceutical products

Your Greenbelt injury lawyer can explain to you more about each of these three and which is more suitable for your case.Defective manufactured pharmaceutical drugsThis type of claim involves injuries that have been caused by pharmaceutical drugs that were improperly manufactured or have become tainted. This can either be the result of an error during the manufacturing process, at the pharmacy, during shipping or during labeling. Any situation which involves errors and pharmaceutical drugs may offer you the chance to file a claim and receive compensation. You can ask your Greenbelt injury attorney if you can file a claim for defective manufactured pharmaceutical drugsPharmaceutical drugs with dangerous side-effects In this category of claims, even though the products were properly manufactured, they have a series of side-effects that may be the cause of your injuries. This can happen to any drugs, indifferent for how long they have been on the market. One of the most common side-effects is a heart attack. In some cases, the manufacturers knew about these side-effects but they intentionally concealed this information. With the help of your defective products injury attorney from Greenbelt, MD, you can prove the manufacturer concealed crucial information about the side-effects and you might be awarded compensation.Improperly marketed pharmaceutical drugsBy marketing of pharmaceutical drugs, you should understand the instructions, warnings, and recommendations on how to use the drug. In this type of cases, the injuries suffered resulted from the failure to provide an accurate or adequate warning regarding the dangerous side-effects or failure to give adequate instructions on how to properly use the drugs. Your Greenbelt injury layer can find if there was any bad advice given by the manufacturer, doctor, sales rep, pharmacist, or any other medical provider.Each type of claim is different and with the help of your Greenbelt injury attorney you can figure out where your case falls and what your next step should be. In addition to this, you should ask your legal defendant to see if there are any other people who already had a similar experience to yours and make it a class action.For more information about pharmaceutical drugs and product liability claims you can contact the best defective product injury lawyer from Greenbelt, MD, at (443) 569-3950 or send an email at

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