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Preserving the rights to car accident injury compensation– traffic attorney in Maryland

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June 17th, 2016

If you’ve been involved in a vehicle accident due to someone else’s negligence or carelessness, you may be entitled to receive car accident injury compensation in Maryland for property damage and the injuries you suffered. Usually, this compensation comes directly from the liable driver’s insurance company, or from the driver through a lawsuit. Here is what the best traffic attorney in Maryland recommends you to do to preserve your rights to compensation after a vehicle accident.

First things first

To protect your rights you have to do three major things: document yourself, have a lot of patience, and be persistent. Settling a car accident injury claim in Maryland without through formal litigation can be challenging, but if you have all the right documents and enough patience and persistence you can win the case. That is why many people prefer to leave all this to a professional car accident injury lawyer from Maryland, who knows the law and can gather all the evidence needed to win the case.

Document the accident as soon as possible

The first moments after a car accident may be chaotic. You should focus and seek immediate medical attention if needed. Your and other people’s wellbeing should be the first priority. However, if everybody is ok, you can start gathering valuable information and evidence that can support your car accident injury claim in Maryland.

Talk to the witnesses. If there is someone who saw what happened, you can ask for their contact information and to make a written/verbal statement. The more information you get from the witness, the more powerful your claim will be and the easier will it be for your car accident injury attorney from Maryland to win your case.

Take photographs. To have a clear evidence of how the accident occurred, you can take some pictures of the vehicles involved in the accident, the injuries you or your vehicle passenger have suffered, the damage the vehicles sustained, and their license plates. You can use a phone or a camera, and make sure they can easily reference the hour and date of the photos (for an authentication). If you don’t have a camera or a phone, you can ask a witness if they are willing to take one for you.

Call the police. Getting the police involved can make your claim even stronger. The police report has a lot of weight with claim attorneys and insurance adjusters. If you were involved in a car accident, do not hesitate to contact the police. In most cases, the party responsible for the accident will try to keep the police out of the loop. You shouldn’t fall prey to this type of tactics, especially if you were injured. The police report will offer a clear documentation of the accident and may also include evidence of fault.

After the accident

You can ask your car accident injury lawyer from Maryland to get a repair cost estimate for the car accident injury claim. This will be good when dealing with the insurance adjuster, who will ask for an “independent” recommended inspection. If you are armed with two-three estimate on your own, you will have a strong argument about the damages you should receive.

For more information about the rights to compensation you can contact the best car accident injury attorney in Maryland at (443) 569-3950 or send an email to

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