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Protect your child! - Dangerous and defective baby products in Southern Maryland

Written by
June 17th, 2016

Dangerous and defective baby products can cause injury to countless numbers of people each year, not to mention underage children. If you've purchased a product that simply does not perform as the manufacturer advertised, causing you or your loved one an injury, you could be covered by the warranty. To find out exactly if you can receive compensation for your or your loved one's injury, you should contact a personal injury lawyer from Southern Maryland.However, if you sustained an injury from a defective baby product, you could file a personal injury claim. In this article, you will learn about your rights as a consumer in relation to injury-causing defective products where a Southern Maryland injury lawyer can help you with.Types of product defect claimsIn Maryland, there are three main types of product defects: design, manufacturer and instruction/warning defects. In general, the injuries sustained by a consumer varies from case to case but result from one of these three defects. Here are some examples your Southern Maryland injury attorney may give you:

  • Defects in design: A bicycle manufacturer's brakes design that comes apart if the rider uses the brakes during normal use.
  • Defects in manufacturing: The chain of a bike is poorly made, causing it to break and injure the rider and possibly other people.
  • Defects in warning: an adequate written warning that explains not to dry your cat in the microwave.

Legal Remedies for defective productsYou have numerous options in case you or your loved one have been injured by a defective product. The personal injury attorney from southern Maryland usually goes on two theories for product liability cases: strict liability and negligence.

  • Strict Liability. The manufacturers are strictly liable for any product defects that occur, regardless of the manufacturer's standard of care. This means that the plaintiff does not need to prove the negligence to prevail in the lawsuit against the manufacturer of the product that caused the injury, as long as the injury was caused by a manufacturing error. In this case, your Southern Maryland injury attorney will help you win your case without having to prove the negligence of the manufacturer.
  • You may receive compensation from the liable defendant (the retailer or manufacturer) if with the help of your Southern Maryland injury lawyer you can prove that the defendant breached a duty to you (the customer) and this resulted in you suffering an injury. For example, if a bicycle was not tested properly and lost a wheel, causing the rider serious injuries, the rider will most likely receive monetary damages.

But there are other legal avenues that your personal injury attorney from Southern Maryland could use, such as the assertion of one's warranty rights and the theory of tortious misrepresentation.For more information about dangerous and defective baby products and how you can receive compensation for your or your child's injuries, you can contact the best personal injury lawyer from southern Maryland at: (443) 569-3950 or by email at:

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