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How Much Is Slip and Fall Injury Compensation in Annapolis Worth?

Written by
June 17th, 2016

The national average for compensation in slip and fall accidents in somewhere around $345.000. But what about Maryland? How much can you expect to receive as a slip and fall injury compensation in Annapolis, for example? Read further to find out. The best slip and fall injury lawyer in Maryland will take a look at some of the most common cases so that you can see how much other people in your situation have received.

What influences a slip and fall settlement in Annapolis?

As your slip and fall injury attorney in Annapolis will tell you, such a case falls under the premises liability law in Maryland. In other words, if you were injured on a property own by a private or public entity, you may be eligible for slip and fall injury compensation in Annapolis. Under the premises liability law, if the owner of the property, whether a private or public entity, was aware of the hazards on this property, failed to take precautionary measures and you end up getting hurt, they may have to pay compensation to you. This will include compensation for medical bills, time missed from work as well as pain and suffering.

A slip and fall settlement in Annapolis is influenced mostly by two factors – the severity of your injuries and the extent of the owner’s negligence. As your slip and fall injury lawyer in Maryland will tell you, while the first factor is pretty straightforward, the second one is more complex. You will need the help of a slip and fall injury lawyer in Annapolis to prove the owner’s negligence and receive the compensation that you deserve.

The value of a slip and fall injury compensation in Annapolis

According to reports, almost 70% of the slip and fall cases in Maryland had a value between $5.000 and $50.000. In 5% of the cases, the slip and fall settlement reached over $500.000. In 2002, in Prince George’s county, a plaintiff received $4.2 million because she slipped on ice, broke her leg and then developed a bone infection.

In 2017, in Montgomery County, in the case Wachuku v. Home Properties, the plaintiff received $9.200 for minor injuries. Her slip and fall injury lawyer in Maryland argued that she fell on the stairs because the stairway was poorly lit by the owner. This is a classic example of a slip and fall compensation where we are dealing with minor injuries and no aggravating factors. In the cases, usually, the maximum amount for slip and fall compensation doesn’t exceed $20.000.

In 2007, in Frederick County, in the case Ferguson v. Frederick Westview Properties LLC, the plaintiff received compensation worth $153.000. Just like in previous case, the circumstances of the fall were typical, meaning that she slipped on ice in front of a shopping center. However, this plaintiff sustained a severe injury that resulted in a shoulder-replacement surgery.

Last, but not least, there are the cases where the slip and fall is very violent and results in permanent injuries or even death. Such a case happened in 2007 in Baltimore City. A doctor fell on the wet hospital floor and suffered a stress fracture in one of his vertebrae. After three separate surgeries, the injury remained permanent and he could no longer practice medicine. As a result, the slip and fall settlement reached $1.5 million.

If you have been involved in a slip and fall accident, get in touch with the best slip and fall injury attorney in Annapolis at (443) 569-3950 or by email at

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