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Slip and Fall on Ice Injury & The Storm in Progress Defense in Maryland

Written by
June 17th, 2016

When you slip and fall on ice in Maryland, there are situations when you may be entitled to receive compensation. A snow accident in MD can have severe consequences. This is why property owners and municipality authorities are required by the law to take all the precautionary measures during winter and prevent people from falling on black ice. However, as your ice & snow injury lawyer in Annapolis will tell you, there are certain situations when, even if you happened to slip on ice, you may not receive ice injury compensation in Annapolis. One of these situations can be the storm in progress defense.

What is the storm in progress defense?

Let's take the following scenario. If you are walking outside during a snow and you happen to slip and fall on ice in Maryland, you may not receive ice injury compensation in Annapolis. As your ice & snow injury lawyer in Annapolis will tell you, the owner's legal responsibility to maintain their premises clear of snow and ice begins only after the storm ends. Whether it is snowing, raining or precipitation freezing on the ground, the owner is not required by the law to remove the ice & snow during the storm. Even after the weather condition ends, they have a certain amount of time to remove the snow. So, if you slip and fall on ice in Maryland during a snow storm or immediately after it has ended, the owner is not liable for your injury unless we are talking about a previous condition.

Ice injury compensation in Annapolis & the storm in progress defense

Now that you know more about the law, it's time to ask the obvious question. What if it was a fresh snow, but the ice underneath it, the one that actually caused your fall, was several days old? In this scenario, your ice & snow injury lawyer in Annapolis may be able to get you the compensation you deserve for your snow accident in MD. The key here is proving the pre-existing condition. In our case, that there was old ice underneath the snow.The best thing you can do to help your ice & snow injury lawyer in Annapolis is take a picture of what caused your fall. If you discover ice underneath the fresh snow, take a picture of it. A professional meteorologist will be needed in court as they can not only explain the temperature and precipitation history for the last 48 hours in your area, but they can also establish whether the ice was new or several days old.

Ice & snow injury lawyer in Annapolis

If you have suffered a slip and fall accident on ice in Maryland, it is important to get in touch an ice injury lawyer in Annapolis. Contact the best ice && snow injury lawyer in Annapolis at (443) 569-3950 or by email at and receive a free consultation for your case.

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