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Suing For Property Damage in Maryland

Written by
June 17th, 2016

Maryland's state system allows people to recover financial compensation for damages to their properties, whether we are talking about real estate damages (including a land) or personal items damages. Most often, property damage in Maryland involves a car in an accident, but there are also other situations that can result in property damage: burglary, a fight that damages personal items such as a phone or expensive jewelry, etc. Basically, regardless of the circumstances, if your property has been damaged, you have the right to consult with a personal injury lawyer from Maryland and seek property damage compensation in MD.Statute of limitations in MarylandAs with any other claims, there is a specific deadline for filing a property damage claim in MD. The property damage statute of limitations in Maryland is 3 years from the discovery of the damage. If you fail to comply with this deadline and try to file your claim after the deadline has passed, most likely your case will be dismissed and you will have lost your right to any legal remedy for that situation. This is why it is crucial to consult with an Annapolis injury lawyer as soon as you have discovered the property damage.However, there are situations when the 3-years deadline can be legally extended. For example, if the owner finds themselves under a legal disability at the time of the damage, the 3-years clock doesn't start running until that disability ends. A legal disability means that the owner is either under 18 years or has been declared mentally incompetent.And while the deadline cannot be extended if you are absent from the state, it can be pushed if the defendant is absent from the state when the property damage takes place. For example, if you are temporarily living in another state and your house in Maryland gets trashed, you have 3 years to file a property damage claim. But if the person that trashed your house leaves the state immediately, before you have time to file a claim, the clock stops and you will have 3 years to file that claim from the moment the defendant returns to the state.Car DamageAs one of the most common types of property damage is vehicle damage, we should discuss an important issue. Unfortunately, property damage compensation in MD is something the insurance companies refuse to give, knowing that, eventually, people will give up on their rights and not take them to court for a small amount of money. But even if you are not prepared to take an abusive insurance company to court, you should still call your Annapolis injury attorney if they refuse to compensate property damage.Having them talk to your lawyer will show the insurance company that you are serious about your rights. As a result, with the help of a great personal injury lawyer from Maryland, you drastically increase your chances of recovering the cost of the repairs, get the fair value of your vehicle in the cases of totaled vehicles and receive compensation for the loss of use or rental car costs.Reach out to an Annapolis injury attorney and fight for your rights! Call the best Annapolis injury lawyer at (443) 569-3950 or write to us at You will receive a free evaluation of your case and together we will strategize to discover the best way for you to receive the compensation you are entitled to.

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