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The difference between a car crash and auto accident - Car accident injury attorney in Maryland

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June 17th, 2016

You've probably heard of the terms car crash and auto accident in Maryland. Did you ever wonder if there is any difference between the two? The term auto accident is a term which used mostly by insurance companies and could cover things such as being burned by coffee in the car and hitting a curb. The car crash is also known as a wreck or collision and implies that one car came into contact with another, meaning that someone is to blame for the accident. With the aid of your car accident injury attorney from Maryland you can file a correct injury claim and receive the compensation you need for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering and many more.The legal definitions of crash and accidents Your car accident injury lawyer from Maryland will tell you that if you look at the legal definitions of crash and accident you will realize there are no significant differences between the two. The definitions are as follows:Crash: a breaking to pieces by a collisionAccident: an unfortunate event which resulted from carelessness or ignoranceGenerally, insurance companies use these two terms in exact contexts. They prefer using the term accident as it implies that the injuries and damages were nobody's fault.If an injury claim goes to court, the insurance company might use the term accident to convince the jury and the judge that nobody is to blame for what happened. But in reality, most accidents result from someone's negligence and might have been prevented.The truth about crashes and accidentsWhen investigated thoroughly, it will be determined if the accident is someone's fault. Your car accident lawyer from Maryland will help you investigate the accident and find out who can be considered at fault. In most car crashes, someone did something for which they will be held accountable.You should consult with your insurance agent about your insurance policy, especially if you are traveling to another state. Every state has their own laws regarding vehicle insurance, and the amount of coverage may vary. Generally, your insurance coverage should follow you if you go into another state.Consult with a professional legal adviser from MarylandIf you've been involved in a car crash or accident, you should contact your lawyer immediately after getting checked by a doctor. An experienced car accident injury lawyer from Maryland can determine the best way to proceed with your claim and get compensated for your damages. Normally, most injury lawyers work on a contingency basis, meaning you will not have to pay them up front. Instead, the attorney will get paid when you receive your car accident injury compensation in Maryland.Schedule a free case evaluation today with the best personal injury lawyer in Maryland at (443) 569-3950 or send an email toA Together we will determine who is liable for the car crash you've been involved in.

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