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The dos and don'ts in negotiating a medical malpractice settlement in Baltimore, Maryland

Written by
June 17th, 2016

Your medical malpractice settlement in Baltimore, Maryland, works like every other settlement from civil cases. But it is quite difficult to obtain a settlement yourself (without the help of a personal injury lawyer from Baltimore, Maryland). The procedure with medical malpractice is quite complicated, and you most likely do not know it as good as a Baltimore injury attorney. In this article, you get a small insight into how medical malpractice negotiations work.The negotiation Like in other settlement, the amount of the settlement depends on the injury you suffered and how good of a negotiator your Baltimore injury lawyer is. A The negotiations happen between your lawyer and the defendant (or his/her insurer). It is easy to calculate the probable expenditures or losses that resulted from your injury. These are known as the economic costs. The non-economic costs are the ones that are harder to calculate. Without your personal injury attorney from Baltimore, Maryland, you most certainly miscalculate the value. Once your lawyer prepares everything that is needed, the real negotiations will start.The doctor's approvalThe malpractice injury claim is different from most other types of claims because of the complex procedure. A setting physician has to approve the medical malpractice settlement. The auto accident and slip-and-fall settlements are directly settled by insurance companies (even if the defendant does not agree to it). But medical malpractice cases require a doctor to approve the settlement. That is mostly why medical malpractice settlements do not close with the same amount. Your Baltimore injury lawyer is well aware of that and will do everything they can to get you as much money as possible.Many physicians opt to take their chances in court than to settle. Furthermore, most doctors refuse to even look at malpractice cases as they consider they did nothing wrong. If the case goes to court, the whole procedure becomes even more complicated, and without a Baltimore injury attorney, it will be impossible for you to respect all the procedures.The payment The amount of payment you receive depends on:

  • The age of the plaintiff
  • The neuter of the injury
  • The law

But it is possible for your claim to settle. You need to consult with your personal injury attorney from Baltimore, Maryland, and explain to him/her exactly what happened. You need to analyze what type of payment suits you better (structured, a lump sum or a combination of the two). The amount of the settlement will be negotiated with actual dollar values. The insurance company will try to look to discount the settlement in exchange for an easy and quick payment. Your case could prove to be as simple as writing a number on a page and receive a check. But if you don't strike a deal your case will go to court.Contact the best personal injury lawyer from Baltimore, Maryland, at (443) 569-3950 A A A A or send an email at

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