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The symptoms of a motorcycle accident brachial plexus injury in Maryland

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June 17th, 2016

Suffering a motorcycle accident falls under the same law as other vehicle accidents. But usually, the rider of the motorcycle suffers greater wounds than other vehicle drivers. One of these wounds is the brachial plexus injury. If you have suffered a motorcycle accident brachial plexus injury in Maryland, you might be entitled to motorcycle injury compensation in Maryland. That is why you should contact a motorcycle injury attorney from Annapolis. But how do you know if you suffered such an injury? In this article, you will learn what the symptoms of brachial plexus injury are and what you should do if you have been the victim of such an injury.

What is brachial plexus?

The brachial plexus consists of a group of nerves that connect with the spinal cord through the neck and go down the arms. The nerves control all the muscles of the shoulder, hand, wrist, and elbow, and provide the feeling into the arm. Most of the brachial injuries are minor and could recover in just a couple of weeks. But more severe injuries could turn out to be permanent and cause disability in the arm.

What causes the damage?

The nerves can be easily damaged by pressure, stretching, or cutting. Most of the time, the injury occurs when the neck and head are forced away from the shoulder. It is a common injury riders suffer in a motorcycle accident. When you crush the brachial plexus between the first rib and the collarbone, it is because of the pressure exercised during a dislocation or a fracture. If you suffer excessive bleeding or damage the soft tissue in the area, the wound could swell and cause injuries to the brachial plexus. This type of injury is severe and with the help of a motorcycle injury lawyer from Maryland, you can file for a motorcycle injury claim in MD.

How do you know if you have hurt your brachial plexus?

If you have suffered a motorcycle accident brachial plexus injury, it is possible not to feel anything at first. But after the body relaxes after the accident you will start feeling that something is not right. If you have hurt the nerves in the brachial plexus, they will stop the signals from and to the brain. This will prevent the muscles in the hand and arm to work properly. As a result, you could lose the feeling in the hand and the surrounding area.

Recovering from a brachial plexus injury

Sometimes this type of injury will not heal on its own, and you will need to get the help of a physician who is experienced in treating this kind of problem. The time for recovery can last for weeks, months, or years. This means that you will have to spend a lot of money for your recovery. But with the help of a motorcycle injury attorney from Annapolis you can add the treatment costs to the motorcycle injury compensation in Maryland.

If you have suffered a motorcycle accident and have injured your brachial plexus, you should contact a motorcycle injury lawyer from Maryland. With the help of a professional, you can file a motorcycle injury claim in MD. Call (443) 569-3950 or send an email at and let us help you receive the compensation your need and deserve.

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