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The top causes of car accidents during winter Traffic attorney in Maryland

Written by
June 17th, 2016

In the US, roughly 25% of all crashes are related to weather conditions, especially during winter, when drivers have to deal with snow, ice, and sleet. This winter a lot of car accidents occurred in Maryland and it should come as no surprise that the conditions were dire. In this article, you will discover the top causes of winter road accidents, to be prepared the next time you take your car for a ride into town.A With the help of your traffic attorney from Maryland you can recover the damages for the car accident and receive compensation for the injury you suffered.A Rain The greatest car accident threat during winterAccording to studies and insurance company statistics, rain is responsible for more vehicle crash fatalities then snow. Each year, more than 3,000 people lose their lives and around 350,000 get injured because of winter rains. This happens because of various reasons, including:

  • Poor visibility
  • Less cautious driving then in other conditions, such as sleet, ice, and snow
  • Hydroplaning
  • Slick roads
  • Lane submersion
  • Driving too fast

If you took part in a car crash, you may contact your car accident attorney from Maryland and see what your legal options are to recover the damages.Fog and poor visibility Fog is another weather condition that can wreak havoc during winter. Vehicle accident studies reveal that fog-related crashes may occur more often during winter months, in rural areas and in the morning.Fog is one of the most dangerous weather conditions because it not only can develop extremely fast, but also reduces the visibility considerably to less than 5.8 of a mile and objects may not be visible until the last minute. This means that drivers should reduce their speed as a precaution to avoid an accident. According to The Fatality Analysis Reporting System (or FARS) the citizens of Maryland experienced a lot of fog-related crashes. If you were involved in a vehicle crash, you may contact your car injury lawyer from Maryland to deal with the insurance company and see if you can get the compensation you may deserve.Getting the help you needIt is crucial to discus with a car accident attorney from Maryland after the accident, especially if you've suffered a catastrophic injury. You may be able to receive car injury compensation in Maryland that will cover the past and future medical bills, pain and suffering, vehicle repairs, and many more (depending on the case). Together with your lawyer, you can provide the court the necessary evidence that will win your case. Your attorney may also provide you with an expert witness that can testify in courts, increasing your chances of winning.For more information about weather-related accidents, you may contact the best car injury lawyer in Maryland at (443) 569-3950 or send an email toA You will get a free consultation of your case.

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