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The value of an injury claim in Maryland vs. Available Insurance

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June 17th, 2016

What if you suffer an injury, and the company or person at fault possess no liability insurance? What happens to the value of an injury claim in Maryland in this case? A personal injury lawyer in Maryland can help you and make the most of your case.Motor-vehicle accident claimsIn case you are hit by someone with no car insurance in MD, you have the option of filing an uninsured driver claim against your own insurance company. The drivers are required to have uninsured driver coverage in Maryland and the claim against your own insurance company has a limit decided in your coverage. You can look into your car insurance from MD and see what your limits are. Your Annapolis injury lawyer can help you better understand how the system works and, if needed, bring the uninsured driver to court.Slip-and-fall accidents in AnnapolisIn the case of slip-and-fall accidents in Annapolis on someone else's property, you have the option of bringing a claim against the owner of that property and their insurance company (including business). But if the owner or business possesses no insurance, then you can recover damages if the owners of that property have some money available to compensate you for your injury.Unlike car insurances, your homeowner's or renter's insurance does not have any uninsured property options. In this case, the value of your claim depends on how much the property owner has to pay for your damages and the quality of your Annapolis injury attorney.Products liability claimsAnother kind of personal injury claim where the insurance coverage is essential is the products liability claim, which involves defective products. But uninsured claims against the manufacturer or seller of the product are extremely rare because they usually have either large amount of assets or a strong liability insurance.In case you do run upon a manufacturer or seller with no liability insurance, the claim proceeds just like the claim against the property owner. Your Annapolis injury attorney will explain more about this.What to do when the defendant is uninsuredIf your injury claim is against an uninsured defendant, your Annapolis injury lawyer will want to figure out as soon as possible if the defendant has enough money to reach a settlement. If that person has no money or assets, it may be useless to proceed with your claim.For more information about the value of your injury claim and what to do if you have to deal with an uninsured party, contact the best personal injury lawyer at (443) 569-3950 or by email at You will receive a free consultation of your case and together we can formulate the best strategy for winning.

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