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Toxic Mold in New House in MD – What to Do If You Discover Toxic Mold After the Purchase?

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June 17th, 2016

Toxic mold in a new house in MD can pose serious issues for your health and finances. If you discovered toxic mold after your purchase in Annapolis, you may have a case against the previous owner if they didn’t disclose the condition before selling you the house. One of the first things you should do is get in touch with a toxic mold lawyer in Annapolis and tell them about your situation. A toxic mold attorney from Maryland may be able to help you receive compensation and justice. Read further to find out what you need to do in case you discover toxic mold in your new house in MD.

Toxic Mold in a New House in MD

As your toxic mold lawyer from Annapolis will tell you, there is a difference between buying a pre-owned house from somebody and having your house built by a company. In this article, we will discuss about the first case, as you issue is with the previous owner or/and realtor.

If you have just found mold, it is crucial to determine what kind of mold it is. As you know, black mold is the most toxic one and your health may be in danger. Take pictures of the mold and of the conditions that caused it – leaking pipes, faulty air vents, etc. These pictures will be very important when your toxic mold attorney in Maryland will try to prove in court that the previous owner knew about this problem and failed to disclose it.

After you take pictures, have the mold tested by a mold removal company. This way you will find out whether you are dealing with black mold or not. This test is also very important for your toxic mold lawyer in Annapolis as it will become evidence in court.

If you are, indeed, dealing with black mold, contact your toxic mold attorney in Maryland and try to determine the liability. Is it the previous owner that didn’t want to disclose this issue? The realtor? It is important to have a clear picture of who is to blame so that you know who has to pay compensation for your toxic mold in a new house problem in MD.

In the case of discovering toxic mold after your purchase in Annapolis, you should also keep track of the damages. This means that you should get a full set of medical analyses to see if the mold has affected you or a loved one. Besides that, you should have a clear estimate of the costs needed to solve this issue and of other damages that could arise from this situation. As your toxic mold attorney in Maryland will tell you, hotel bills, mold testing bills and other costs related to discover toxic mold in a new house in MD will constitute proof of the damage.

The best toxic mold lawyer in Annapolis

We understand how frustrating it must be to discover toxic mold after the purchase of a new house in Annapolis. But we are here to help share the burden. Contact the best toxic mold attorney in Maryland at 443 569 3950 or by email at and receive a free assessment of your case.

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