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Trench And Excavation Accidents In Maryland

Written by
June 17th, 2016

Residents of Maryland and Annapolis have likely seen or heard stories about workers who lost their life or were injured in excavation accidents. It is estimated that roughly 50 workers die each year due to excavation accidents, but much more than that get injured every year. A If you or your loved one were wounded in an excavation accident, you should contact a personal injury lawyer from Maryland, because you may be entitled to compensation for your construction injury in MD.Excavation accidents in Maryland can be fatalExcavation is considered to be one of the most dangerous jobs in the construction industry. Cave-ins, heavy equipment, falling loads and atmospheric conditions (like low oxygen and noxious fumes) can injure and even kill the workers on the construction site. Unfortunately, this occupation would not be that dangerous if all employers took all the required measures and were serious about safety.There are countless examples where companies fail to provide the protection required by law. This means that if you suffered an excavation accident, you should get the help of an Annapolis injury attorney and file a work injury claim. There are many law offices in Maryland which would jump at the opportunity to represent you in court and help you receive justice.Suffering a construction injury in MD can be the result various types of accidents, such as:

  • Trench collapse
  • Contact with underground electrical lines
  • Water infiltration
  • Broken gas lines or gas leaks into trench
  • Falling machinery or equipment

Trench accident injuriesMany types of injuries can be experienced in a trench accident. Most of them are commonly seen injuries, such as fractures, broken bones, injury to the soft tissue, joints, paralysis, CNS injuries, and wrongful death. In general, this kind of accident generates two types of injuries not seen in any other workplace accidents: drowning due to water infiltration and suffocating due to gas lines leaking into the trench. That is why excavation accidents are extremely dangerous. Electrocution and burns are also quite common in trench accidents that happen when an underground cable is touched.If you suffered a construction injury in MD, you should contact your Annapolis injury lawyer.Contacting an attorneyIn the case of an excavation accident where you suffered an injury, you should contact one of the best law offices in Maryland if you want to increase the chances of receiving compensation.Most injuries caused by trench accidents lower the chances of leading a normal life. That is why, if you or your loved one have been injured in a trench accident, you should reach the best personal injury lawyer in Maryland at(443) 569-3950 or by email at, for a free consultation of your case.Together we will create the best strategy possible for you to receive the compensation you need and deserve. The total current and future value of your claim will be analyzed carefully, taking into consideration pain and suffering, lost wages, prescription costs, present and future medical expenses, therapy bills, and diminished quality of life.

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