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Types of defective product injury claims in Maryland

Written by
June 17th, 2016

When you spend money on a specific product, whether an appliance, a household item, food or something else, you hope it to be safe to consume or use. Sometimes people get injured due to defective products, and the liable party may be the vendor, manufacturer or designer. If you've been injured by a defective product, you should contact your defective products attorney from Maryland and see if you can file an injury claim against the liable entity. The compensation you may receive can help cover the cost of past and future medical bills, general pain, and suffering, lost wages and may more.Types of defective product claimsGenerally, the defective product cases fall into three main categories:¢ Defectively designed products¢ Defectively manufactured products¢ Failure to offer warnings or sufficient instructionsManufacturing defects are the most common type of defective product liability claim. In this type of case, an error occurred in the manufacturing process which makes the product unsafe for use. For example, if a car manufacturer sells a vehicle that has misshapen brake pads that cause an accident, the manufacturer may be held responsible for the crash and will have to compensate all the individuals involved and injured. If this happened to you, you may contact your faulty product lawyer from Maryland and file a claim against the manufacturer.When a product has a design defect, it means that the product has an inherent flaw in the design that makes that product unsafe for use or simply faulty. You can see this when an entire product line is recalled. If you've been injured by a product that has a design defect which caused you an injury, you may receive compensation with the help of your defective products lawyer from Maryland.If a product doesn't have adequate warnings offered by the manufacturer or if the manufacturer does not instruct the user how to properly use their product safely, then they may be held responsible if a person gets injured. A good example would be a kitchen appliance that doesn't come with safe-use instructions or handling instructions. Your product defect attorney from Maryland can determine with the help of experts if the manufacturer offered enough information how to and how not to use a product.Liability for defective food productsWhen it comes to food products, the discussion starts with the question if there are any foreign or natural materials present in the food. If for example, a food manufacturer accidentally includes metal shaving in their boxed dinner product, they will be held responsible when someone gets injured (internal bleeding in this case). The metal shaving in the food is considered a foreign object.But if a chicken bone is present in a restaurant dish and someone chokes on it, the manufacturer will not be held liable for the occurrence of a natural food product. In this case, there is nothing your defective product attorney from Maryland can do.Defective products lawyer from Maryland If you want to file a personal injury claim against the manufacturer of a defective product, you should consider getting the help of a faulty product lawyer from Maryland. An attorney may help you fil your claim and maximize your chances of winning the case.For more information, you should contact the best product defect attorney from Maryland at (443) 569-3950 or send an email to

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