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Types of defective product liability claims in Southern Maryland

Written by
June 17th, 2016

If you've been injured by a defective product or suffered other damages, you could file a defective product liability claim. But there are different types of defective product liability claims in Sothern Maryland. With the help of your defective product injury lawyer from Southern Maryland, you can determine whether you have a valid claim and create a strategy for your case.The defective product cases usually fall into three categories

  • Defective design
  • Defective manufacture
  • Failure to provide adequate instructions or warnings on how to properly use the product

Your Southern Maryland injury lawyer can help you determine where your particular case falls.Defectively designed productsIn this situation, the design of the product is inherently defective or dangerous. This means that the defective design claim does not arise from a mishap or error in the manufacturing process, but it involves the claim that the entire line of products is dangerous. A good example of a design defect is when a particular car model has the tendency to flip over when turning a corner. The injury suffered must have been caused by the faulty design. Your Southern Maryland injury attorney can determine if the defective product responsible for your injuries has a defective design.Defectively manufactured productsThis is the most obvious from the three types of product liability claims. A defectively manufactured product is the result of some error or a problem at the factory where the product was assembled or manufactured. As a result, the product that caused your injuries is different from all the others on the shelf. For example, if a swing set has a cracked chain or if a moped has a missing brake pad, then the people injured can file a defective products claim and receive compensation. In this case, the defective product has to injure a person because of a manufacturing problem in order for the liability claim to be valid. You can get the help of your defective products injury attorney from Southern Maryland file a claim and receive compensation for the injuries you or your loved one have suffered.Failure to provide adequate instructions or warningsThis is the third basic type of product liability claim which involves a failure to provide the customer with adequate instructions or warning about how to properly use a product. Your Southern Maryland injury lawyer may refer to this as the failure-to-warn claim and it involves a product that may be dangerous in a certain way, requiring you to exercise special diligence or precaution when using it. For example, if an electric tea kettle does not have sufficient warnings concerning the steam valve, or if a corrosive paint-removing chemical is sold without instructions on how to safely handle or use it. Your Southern Maryland injury attorney can help you if the injury you suffered resulted from the manufacturer's failure to properly warn you about all the dangers.Getting the help of a defective product injury attorney from Southern MarylandBy understanding the difference between the three basic types of product liability claims, you can correctly present your case to the court. But depending on your case, you might wish to get the help of a legal expert who is specialized in products liability. You can contact the best defective product injury lawyer in Southern Maryland at (443) 569-3950 or send an email at and you will receive a free consultation of your case.

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