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Were you hit by a drunk driver? - Motorcycle accident injury attorney Maryland

Written by
June 17th, 2016

Riding a motorcycle has its ups and downs. Unlike cars and other 4-wheeled vehicles, motorcycles and scooters are more difficult to observe on the roads because of their small size. Another disadvantage a motorcycle has is that the rider is more exposed and may suffer serious injuries in the case of an accident. If you've been hit by a drunken driver and suffered a motorcycle accident, you should contact your injury attorney from Maryland and file a claim against them. You may be entitled to motorcycle accident injury compensation, which in Maryland may cover your medical expenses, pain and suffering, the damages to the motorcycle and many more.Damage to the motorcycle Everybody knows that motorcycles may be expensive and repairing the damages resulted from an accident is not an easy thing. What is worse is that many motorcycles get totaled due to crashes with other vehicles. The most common damages suffered by a motorcycle may include:

  • Dented gas tank, handlebars and fenders. These are most common in serious accidents which caused the motorcycle to overturn.
  • Ruined paint job. If the motorcycle skids on the pavement due to the impact with another vehicle, a new paint job may be needed. Custom paint jobs may be extremely expensive.
  • Totaled motorcycle. Motorcycles can get totaled really easily in vehicle crashes. If the motorcycle cannot be salvage or repaired, then you might need a new one.
  • Damaged engine. If the engine gets damaged during the vehicle accident, you may need to replace the entire engine. It is not uncommon for new motorcycle engines to cost just as much as a new motorcycle.
  • Broken mirrors. The motorcycle mirrors are quite fragile and are the first things that break in an accident.

The cost of repairs for your motorcycle can be included in your personal injury claim by your motorcycle accident injury lawyer from Maryland. You may also include the replacement value if your bike was totaled. Your personal injury lawyer from Maryland can help you decide what damages you should include in your claim.Getting the help you needIf you've been hit by a drunken driver, proving the damages and filing a successful personal injury claim may be challenging without a personal injury lawyer from Maryland. To significantly improve the odds of winning and receiving motorcycle accident injury compensation in Maryland you should contact an experienced personal injury attorney. Your lawyer should be able to determine the value of your claim, fully understand the motorcycle accident laws, and handle a settlement (if this is the case).Generally, personal injury attorneys will not receive payment until the case is finished, so you will not lose anything by scheduling a case evaluation.For more information about motorcycle accidents that were caused by a drunk driver you may contact the best motorcycle accident injury lawyer from Maryland at (443) 569-3950 or send an email toA case evaluation.

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