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Were you hit by a motorcycle? Personal injury accident lawyer Maryland

Written by
June 17th, 2016

Because of the intense traffic today, more pedestrians get injured each year. When a pedestrian gets hit by a vehicle, the traumatic experience may be both physical and emotional and treating it can take a lot of time and may require a lot of money. In this article, you will discover what legal options you have if you've been hit by a motorcycle and why it is crucial to contact your personal injury accident attorney from Maryland in order to get compensated.Motorcycle pedestrian accidentsEven though motorcycles are much smaller and lighter then 4-wheel vehicles, they can travel at higher speeds. The average motorcycle weighs 500 1,000 pounds and the faster it goes, the harder it is to stop it. A pedestrian who was involved in a motorcycle accident may suffer the same injuries as one who was hit by a car.Common injuries suffered in a pedestrian motorcycle accident Your personal injury accident attorney from Maryland knows that the injuries suffered by a pedestrian who is hurt by a motorcycle are extremely similar in nature with the ones suffered after being hit by any other type of vehicle. In most cases, bones get broken or fractured. It is also possible to suffer of bruising or abrasions. In severe cases, the pedestrian gets a concussion and their brain may swell. In some cases, it is possible to injure your spinal cord or suffer other internal injuries. With the help of your motorcycle injury lawyer from Maryland, you can gather the evidence you need to file a claim against the motorcycle rider and recover damages for lost wages, mounting medical bills, pain and suffering, and many more.Who is at fault for the accident?It is crucial to determine the fault before filing a claim, because it may impact the final outcome of the situation. If the pedestrian is at fault (i.e. running in a red light) they will be responsible for any damage the motorcycle driver may have suffered. But if the motorcyclist was at fault for injuring the pedestrian, they will be held responsible for the damages the pedestrian suffered.Filing a motorcycle injury claim In order to get your motorcycle injury compensation in Maryland, you will need to contact information of the motorcycle driver, their name and their insurance information. Your personal accident attorney from Maryland will contact the motorcycle driver's insurance company and report the accident. Your legal adviser may also file a claim against them, but only after ensuring you have enough evidence to win your case.Getting the help you needYou have to get the help of an attorney who knows what evidence you need to prove fault and how to hold the driver responsible for what has happened to you. An experienced lawyer also knows what damages you are entitled to and what evidence you need. You may try to discuss directly with the insurance company, but you will have greater chances of getting compensated with the help of a motorcycle lawyer.Contact the best motorcycle injury lawyer from Maryland at (443) 569-3950 or send an email toA and determine what your chances of receiving compensation are.

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