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What are the conditions for an eligible SSD claim in Southern Maryland?

Written by
June 17th, 2016

It usually takes around 392 days for your SSD claim to be assessed by the administrative law judge. Every year, from the total number of SSD claims, only around 29% get approved, and another 15% of the denied claims are approved after an appeal. From remaining denied claims, 57% will get accepted after the second appeal. In the end, with the help of a personal injury lawyer from Southern Maryland, almost 75% of the SSD claims will get approved. But how do you know if you have an eligible SSD claim in Southern Maryland? If you need social security disability benefits, it is best to contact a Southern Maryland injury lawyer to help you with legal counsel and the bureaucratic part of your case.SSD Eligibility Criteria in Maryland The criteria for SSD benefits in Maryland are extremely strict. Even though people think that the disability itself is enough proof, in reality, you must meet a series of strict requirement to be considered eligible for SSD. Your personal injury lawyer from Southern Maryland can explain to you more about this, but in general, you will have to prove that:

  1. You cannot work

First of all, you have to be able to prove that you are not able to perform any substantial work for which you are suited. If you work and your earnings exceed $1090 each month, then you will not meet this criterion needed for an eligible SSD. Your Southern Maryland attorney can argue this criterion, but it is unlikely for the court to make an exception just for you.If your income is under $1090, your Southern Maryland injury lawyer will have to prove that your injuries will take more than 1 year to recover (at least one year) and that it may put your life in danger.

  1. You worked at a place covered by Social Security

Your lawyer will have to prove you have worked up until recently and long enough at places that were covered by Social Security. For people under 31, the work credit number will depend on your age.

  1. Your disability interferes with basic work

For example, if you have developed a hearing problem but you work in accounting, then you may not be eligible for SSD benefits. On the other hand, if you developed hearing problems and you work as a call center operator, then this disability will not let you do your job properly anymore.Your personal injury lawyer from Southern Maryland will also tell you that your disability has to be found in the list of disabling impairment and that the Social Security Administration makes this condition mandatory.

  1. You can't do any type of work

The last thing you need to prove is that you aren't able to do any type of work in association with your skills, experience, and age.For more information about SSD claims and to receive a free consultation of your case, you can contact the best personal injury lawyer from Southern Maryland at (443) 569-3950 or send an email at

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