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What can be considered aggravated assault in Maryland?

Written by
June 17th, 2016

Aggravated assault in Maryland is an attempt to cause bodily injuries to another person, purposely, knowingly or recklessly, showing indifference to the importance of the human life. Aggravated assault can also happen when a person tries, intentionally or knowingly, to cause bodily injuries to another person with the help of a deadly weapon. The law punishes aggravated assault, and with the aid of a personal injury lawyer, you can bring the person responsible to justice.

Aggravated assault vs. simple assault

The simple assault is any willful attempt to inflict injury on another person. This means that an attack can be made without striking, touching, or doing bodily harm to someone else. An example will be if a person displays excessive force that would cause anxiety and fear to someone else. But if that person threatens another with a deadly weapon, the case would be categorized as aggravated assault. If you are the victim of aggression, you could contact your Annapolis injury lawyer help with your case.

Assault degrees in MD

The definitions of the assault degrees in MD are not that different from the federal crime levels.

First degree aggravated assault happens when the act committed intended premeditated malice aforethought. For a case to be considered a first degree aggravated assault, there must be aA deliberate attempt to cause bodily injuries or to commit physical harm to another person.

Second-degree aggravated assault happens when an act is committed without premeditation or deliberation.

Third-degree and fourth-degree aggravated assault are considered lesser offenses and the charges are brought if an assailant tries to commit significant bodily harm, instead of serious personal injury. This type of offenses are seen in a fist fight or other similar situation.

With the help of an Annapolis injury attorney, you can prove you were an assault victim, and you can receive compensation for your pain and suffering.

Aggravated assault defenses

Several arguments apply to any aggression, such as consent, protection of property, and prevention of crime which are good defenses against aggravated assault.

Consent means that the victim was aware of the risk of harm. If the victim has given permission, they are prohibited from starting an action against aggravated assault. Prevention of crime can be used when the assailant was trying to protect themselves in self-defense or to protect others, which is called defense of others. Defense of property happens when a person assaults someone to protect their assets. This is a case where the court allows reasonable force to protect a property from damage or theft.

An Annapolis injury lawyer can help you prove that in your case, none of these cases are true and that you are a proper assault victim. Your Annapolis injury attorney has a lot of knowledge about aggravated assault cases and knows the jurisdiction in MD so that you will be represented efficiently in front of the judge.

Contact the best personal injury lawyer in Maryland at (443) 569-3950 or by email for a free consultation of your case.

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