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What can you do about road rage incidents in Greenbelt, MD?

Written by
June 17th, 2016

Sometimes being a driver is frustrating. This is usually the result of traffic, poor drivers, being trapped by someone who is driving really slow, being cut off, and many, many other factors that infuriate even the calmest drivers. Road rage incidents in Greenbelt, MD, are not that common but they sometimes happen, and their results may be deadly. If you were involved in an accident with a driver that is enraged, you should call your personal injury lawyer from Greenbelt, MD, and ask them what to do next.What is road rage?Your Greenbelt injury lawyer will explain to you that road rage is what the law describes as emotionally triggered aggressive driving (or even violent). In most cases, this will lead to an altercation or assault, where the enraged driver will follow you trying to hit you or stop you. It is common in the US for road rage to lead to fatal shootings or stabbings. But in most cases it will turn into aggressive driving and:

  • Sudden braking
  • Tailgating
  • Sudden acceleration
  • Cutting off other vehicles
  • Excessive use of lights, signals, or horns
  • Passing too closely or suddenly
  • Shouting, swearing, and making obscene gestures
  • Running cars off the road
  • The refusal to let vehicles merge

Road rage is dangerous, and you should contact your Greenbelt injury attorney if it happens. The extreme cases of road rage also involve the intent of causing harm. That is why the law recommends you to call your personal injury attorney from Greenbelt and see how you can receive compensation for what you've been through.How to deal with road rage?You can spot a Road Rager easily. You just have to look out for the person that is always half out the window, screaming out loud, making rude gestures, and driving aggressively. Such people usually function by the same rule: Get out of my way and don't make eye contact!. If you encounter such a person and they are threatening you, you should stop and call the police and your Greenbelt injury lawyer. Furthermore, try to avoid as much as possible escalating the encounter.But sometimes, even though you try to fix things up, some people are just impossible to deal with. Some people are just angry all the time, violent, and refuse to back down. With the help of the police and your personal injury attorney from Greenbelt, MD, you can at least make the other person pay for what they've done.Evidence for your caseYou can ask your Greenbelt injury attorney what evidence that will help your case you can gather (such as taking pictures of the accident scene, witness statements, etc.). If the other driver tries to leave the accident scene, you should get the tag number and a clear description of the car. Road rage does not happen frequently, but if you are one of the victims, you should remain calm. Everything will be alright.For more information and a free consultation of your case you can contact the best personal injury lawyer from Greenbelt, MD, at (443) 569-3950 or via email

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