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What Happens If You Report Nursing Home Abuse To the APS In MD?

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June 17th, 2016

As the adults aged sixty and older are the fastest growing segment in the US, nursing homes become more and more profitable. Unfortunately, when the demand is high, services may go down as far as quality is concerned. Nursing home abuse in Maryland and in the whole US is a serious problem one that affects at least 10% of the residents in the nursing homes and at most 50% of them. Fortunately, there are ways to fight this problem and ensure your loved ones' safety. You can report nursing home abuse to the APS in MD (Adult Protective Services) and you can hire a personal injury lawyer from Maryland to represent you in a lawsuit against the company that has wronged your loved ones.Nursing Home Abuse In Maryland If you want to report nursing home abuse to the APS in MD, you need to know that the way they operate varies from state to state. As a general rule, the APS will work with law enforcement representatives, nurses, doctors, and legal representatives to assess a case and establish the existence of a nursing home abuse. Even if you decide to bring in the APS, you will still need the help of an Annapolis injury attorney that will advise you on how to prepare for any situation that may occur.How Long Does It Take For The APS To Reach A Decision?Usually, after you contact the local APS office and report an incident of neglect or abuse, there is a certain timeline of the events that follow your report. At first, a trained APS professional will assess your report and see if there are grounds to believe that the alleged victim has, indeed, been subjected to nursing home abuse. If they decide the report is valid, they will meet personally with the victim in this case, the elder for whom you have filed the report. After they meet with the victim and assess his or her situation, including physical and mental health problems, safety and independence degree, the APS representative will contact law enforcement or additional social services, based on their findings. After the assessment is over, the APS will create an assistance plan and arrange for medical, economic, legal or housing services for the victim.The APS is focused on the victim's physical and mental safety they will do their best to guarantee those to the victim. However, when it comes to bringing the responsible party to justice, you will need your Annapolis injury lawyer. They can work together with the APS and use the report in creating a strategy that will help you receive compensation.Personal Injury Lawyer From MarylandIf you believe a loved one has been the victim of nursing home abuse, you need to immediately contact an Annapolis injury attorney. They will counsel you, offer precious guidance and help you not only get justice but also receive nursing home compensation. Contact the best Annapolis injury lawyer at (443) 569-3950 or by email at for a free initial consultation.

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