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What if you get hit by a car in an intersection? Car accident injury attorney in Maryland

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June 17th, 2016

You are driving carefully to your next destination, when out of nowhere you get hit by another vehicle in an intersection. It is possible that the other driver did not see you, ignored the stop sign, or other reasons. Whatever caused the accident, you now have a damaged car, and you may also have to face severe pain and suffering, miss time from work and pay for medical treatments. In this article, you will discover what the best car accident injury attorney from Maryland has to say about getting hit by a car in an intersection.Injuries commonly suffered by passengers and drivers when hit in an intersection When a car is hit in an intersection by another vehicle, all the passengers in the car may suffer injuries that are common with this type of accident, including whiplash, soft tissue damage, and bruising. In more serious accidents it is possible for the vehicle passengers to suffer more severe injuries, including head injuries, back injuries, broken bones, and even spinal cord injuries.The more serious the injury is, the more you have to pay to treat it and the more time you will have to miss work. For some people this may lead to complete ruin. Your car accident injury lawyer from Maryland can help you file your injury claim and receive a compensation that will cover the property damages of the car, as well as pain and suffering, past and future medical bills, and many more.Determining the faultThe accidents that occur in an intersection have to be determined at the time the accident took place. There are limited scenarios to this type of accident. For example, you may have been hit by someone who was coming from the right or left lane and they may have missed the red light/ stop sign. It is also possible for you to get rear ended by someone who failed to stop at the right time. The liable person determines whose insurance company will have to pay and who will receive car accident injury compensation in Maryland. It is crucial to determine the fault as soon as possible and you will need proof such as witness statements and the police report.What to do after an intersection car accidentIf you've been in an intersection accident, the first thing you should do is to determine the fault. You should also contact your personal injury lawyer from Maryland and discuss with them how the accident happened. It is very important to gather the evidence needed and give it to your lawyer. Your lawyer can help you file your car accident injury claim in Maryland and also negotiate with the insurance company.For more information about car accidents that occurred in an intersection you may contact the best car accident injury lawyer from Maryland at (443) 569-3950 or send an email toA

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