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What is bicycle personal injury insurance in Maryland?

Written by
June 17th, 2016

Insurance companies have started recently to offer bicycle insurance. There are many types of insurances, like auto, home, and health, but now you have the option of acquiring a bicycle personal injury insurance in Maryland. But most people don't know what bike insurance provides and how it is different from the standard insurance. If you were involved in a bicycle accident, you should contact your personal injury lawyer from Maryland before contacting your insurance company.

What does bicycle insurance cover?

If you look at any bicycle insurance, you will see all the categories of coverage it provides, like:

  • Physical damage to your bike. This policy stipulates that the insurance will cover sudden, accidental loss, and any physical damage to your bike. The compensation will be either for replacement or repair, depending on the extent of the damage.
  • Injuring someone else through your maintenance, use, or ownership of your bike, the insurance policy will cover the damage you cause.
  • Medical payments. If you suffer an injury while riding your bike, the insurance policy will cover the medical expenses up to a certain limit (you choose).
  • Underinsured or Uninsured motorist coverage. If a vehicle does not have insurance (or insufficient) and you are injured, the policy will kick in.
  • Bike rental reimbursement. When you are more than 50 miles away from home, the system can help you with the cost of a temporary replacement bike if you are at an organized cycling event, race, or trip.
  • Spare parts. The insurance policy can cover the damage or loss of spare parts that are on or off the bicycle.

Needing a bicycle personal injury insurance in Maryland

Insurance for the bike sound great, but the essential coverage it has is the injury insurance. The roads of today are full of cars and obstacles. Being a bicyclist can turn out to be quite dangerous. The bicycle injury statistics show that each year, around 20,000 people die in vehicle-bicycle accidents and more than 50,000 are injured. But a lot of bicycle-vehicle accident cases are not included in the bicycle injury statistic because people do not report the accidents to the police. If you own a bike and you were hit by a vehicle, you can contact an Annapolis injury lawyer, and with their help, you can receive cyclist injury compensation in MD.

If you ride a bicycle, you should have a bike insurance that will cover the expenses for uninsured motorist, liability, physical damage, and, most important, medical payments. A You can contact more insurance companies and ask them what they can offer to you. But before deciding which insurance policy to choose, you can contact your Annapolis injury attorney to help you better understand what they offer. Everybody says read your policies but most of them are written in such a way that they can be hard to understand. Your Annapolis injury lawyer can help you better understand what you should choose.

If you were hit by a vehicle and were harmed, you can contact an Annapolis injury lawyer, file a personal injury claim, and receive cyclist injury compensation in MD.

For more information about bicycle insurance contact your personal injury lawyer from Maryland at (443) 569-3950 or by email:

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